
The softer, molded 996 was a completely legit design direction and it’s a shame Porsche abandoned it in favor of fan service.

Had an E61/535xi wagon that I absolutely loved. Sad that they discontinued the 5-series wagon in the states and eventually got an E91 328xi wagon, which I also loved.

See what you did there.

VW Eos. Screams comfortable with who I am.

Your 32-year-old self will appreciate the Golf. If you can find one, get a wagon variant (SportWagen or AllTrak). But, a Mazda3 doesn’t bite.

This is a guy who has used his “platform” to support a white nationalist and to amplify white nationalist distortion of Colin Kaepernick’s thoughtful and justified protest of police violence against African-Americans. He has plenty to be sorry for.

Is it a good day to re-read Letter from Birmingham Jail? It’s always a good day to re-read Letter from Birmingham Jail.

Guy does a back flip, then a front flip, than lands on the roof all in a span of 20 seconds and the story is about the front flip?

Ride your bike as much as you can before you get your license. It will make you much more aware of what happens on the road, making you a better driver.

Easiest problem in the world to solve. Ask the autograph seeker who to sign it to. Something signed for a person is priceless to that person, worthless on the open market. No name, no autograph.

Must say, of the many who merit our sympathy and outrage, Sir Mo is low on the list. He runs for a country that just voted to close its borders.

Adam Silver should give Jackson a one-time exception to the rule to give him a chance to dig himself out.

Ask this always. One interview, one of two interviewers expressed concern that I seemed like a cowboy, who wouldn’t take to structured environment. I acknowledged the concern and pointed to positive experience at two prior, highly structured jobs. Almost certainly would not have gotten the job if I hadn’t been able to

One pair of nearly identical cars is unfortunate, two pairs is hoarding.

The poetry is in how he weaves in the non-swears.

This is a touch confusing. Typically, in swimming, the outside lanes are considered the lanes closest to the walls: 1, 2, 7, 8. The inside lanes are those not closest to the walls: 3, 4, 5, 6.

A good nickname suggests devastation and destruction and invokes fear. They should consider Las Vegas Global Climate Change, or, more locally relevant, Las Vegas Drought.

Sure that wasn’t the Newton, Iowa, Cars & Coffee?

Didn’t comment on it over on this thread, but his bit about Kanye in the HBO promo video is a nice slab of racist red meat served up every time I load a new episode of Silicon Valley: