
I had thought about giving this show a chance last year, but never got around to it. I’ve now found every promo with Tina Fey to be disappointingly, painfully unfunny. Are those promos selling the show short, or is it just not for me?

The trailer for Ready Player One was real bad. But, The Papers has a ridiculously stacked cast

For a 2 hour movie, sure, but not for 4 seasons of a tv show

Game of Thrones is easily the worst show that I'm very excited to watch every week. And I'm not sure why I'm excited, because the Night King is an incredibly uncompelling villain. The showrunners have already said in an interview that the Night King will never speak, so we will probably never have anything but the

If I was guaranteed a tears-worthy rendition of I'm Going to Go Back There Someday, I would buy a ticket to LA tomorrow

This is the latest show that I enjoy that is always going to also disappoint me because the confines of a network (or more specifically here a network teen soap) will never let it get as absurd or weird or interesting as I want it to be.

I need everyone to play up the camp and chew the scenery like she does. I like this show, but I just want it to be fucking weirder, more surreal, and campier than the CW would ever allow.

We get it, you were cool as hell when you were 13, geeez

I prefer Troy & Abed's cover

When I saw the trailer, I got my hopes up that Daniel Craig would be good enough here to get the rare comedic slide into the best supporting actor race.

My favorite bit was McKinley insisting that him and Claire were in it together 50/50 on proving Renata was crazy. The reading of 50/50 by MIB when they were going through her bag was a season high point for me.

Nah, most egregious with Elizabeth Banks, especially in the last episode

Are you implying that Jamie was trying to kill Drogon with the spear? Cause he was def going for Dany

Spent Saturday night listening to the best 3 pop albums of this decade: True Romance, Emotion, and Night Time, My Time

Give Paul Dano a comedy. The scene with him and Mija in the hotel is some great understated comedy, especially taking his glasses off to be more recognizable.

I'm only 50/50 done

The TV Review of this gave the impression that they might, but I'm hoping they lean into the joke of characters taking "naps" during episodes they can't be in. That setup was delivered perfectly by Joe Lo Truglio (damn you, Brooklyn Nine Nine for keeping him away).

Apparently this is directed by Alan Yang. Keep making cool shit, Alan!

@midnight is responsible for the latest on screen reunion of almost all members of The State, so it has that going for it. I think Kevin and Todd were the only ones missing.

I find it hard to believe that the reporter thought he was breaking that news to him