
Except "That's Too Much, Man," right? That episode can't not bum you out, right?

"Sucks ass" sounds really fucking juvenile, but while there have been some pretty good songs along the way, until now I would definitely consider Calvin Harris to be bad. Slide is my favorite song of the year so far, and Rollin is very good as well, so Calvin's def doing something right now

Even back in 2004 Emily wasn't touring with them?

Hey, Katie Nolan is one of the most likable sports personalities on tv

I had a big stupid smile on my face during the Liberty and Zoya fight, with the mixed in grainy footage. So, good job GLOW!
And hopefully you're not gone too long, Latoya

James Franco's housewarming party, where I'd try cocaine for the first time with Michael Cera.

I will always upvote a good Walk Hard reference

2 artists that really surprised me with their 2017s so far: Lorde and Calvin Harris. Melodrama has hooked me in a way that Pure Heroine never did. Feels isn't very good, but Slide, Rollin, and Heatstroke are all great, and I am very excited for Calvin Harris' album to drop, which is a sentence I'd never thought I'd say

If you woulda told me that Man Seeking Woman would be a potential top 10 show for me this year after a solid bit not great first season and a bit of a clunker of a second season, I would not have believed you, yet here we are. Granted, the competition isn't as fierce as the past few years, but Katie Findlay was

Harry Potter was my Star Wars

Kinda a strange Mad Men reunion, huh?

I believe in a thing called love, and I also believe that The Darkness' I Believe in a Thing Called Love is one of my favorite one hit wonders.

The quick shot of Gene mixing salad and spilling it everywhere made me laugh harder than it probably should have

It's not fine though. Their chemistry is totally weak

I was thinking seeing they're going into the finale that they could do a 6 month time jump between seasons and him and Natalie could come back to Seattle, but nope.

Here I was thinking that Liv and Major have found some solid love interests (though Justin could use a little more development), and that maybe the show would quit trying to force Liv and Major as a couple, and what happens? Liv cheats on Justin and Natalie more than likely eats it (going by the old tv adage you can't

So Nacho is this show's Jesse, right? I think Nacho will have a more definitive fate than Jesse though

I think it's hit and miss, but Let Down and the horns in Paranoid Android more than justify that album's existence

I don't dislike any of them, but like Butcher's Tale is just ok.

I like Care of Cell 44 and This Will Be Our Year better than anything on Sgt Pepper and almost as much as God Only Knows, but the consistency of O&O can't really match up to the consistensy of either Sgt Pepper or Pet Sounds