
She checked to make sure Montez was ok when she was talking to Jonah. I think it was Montez at least

Hopefully Janet, I mean D'Arcy Carden, shows up with more to do in the future.

God Only Knows is borderline untouchable in my opinion, so I tend to agree with Josh here. The irony just didn't justify the usage for me.

The theme that I think is consistent through this arc that gets skirted around but rarely mentioned is loneliness. From the first episode of the season, Dev is desperate for a genuine connection to somebody, and then when he feels it start to form with Francesca, he does what a lot of lonely people do: obsess over it,

I read it as Denise lashing out. The previous year she brought a very nice gf home, and the reception was cold and awkward, so, potentially, out of frustration, Denise purposefully brought someone obnoxious who would make everyone uncomfortable.

Should we wait to argue this in a couple days? I'll say one quick thing (of a few) in defense of those episodes: the filmmaking is fantastic in them; they look absolutely gorgeous.

If there's not a NipplesandToes23 parody account in this comment section by tomorrow, then what's this website even for?

I've heard there's either a lot or no scorpions at the university of Buenos Aires, so be careful

What song was Blaine listening to toward the beginning? And was there a War on Drugs song last week? If so, the music is killing it lately.

I thought toward the end that when the music changed when Oleg went for his walk that something terrible was about to happen to him

I liked this episode a lot. Anyone who loved this episode should for sure check out High Maintenance.

Jill being sidelined this season is definitely one of the few down sides to this great season. Her relationship with Kevin was such a highlight in the first 2 seasons, peaking with the season 1 finale. She better show up and see him again, but I'm not confident she will, with time running out so quick.

I liked this episode more than most, I gather, but the John Legend bit knocked it down a bit. It def lost its sense reality there.

What's this party's hashtag?

I was at first cold towards the romantic storyline, but then I gained an appreciation for how purposefully they kept it grounded to Dev's pov, and I think they got across some decent themes that way

There's some base universality to the premise. I don't go to absurdly fancy dinner parties, but I can relate to having a strong connection with someone that you want to turn romantic but can't for various reasons. Or the idea that loneliness can inflate your perception of those kinds of connections.

The jabawockeez bit only worked for me because of Arnold and Brian. Maybe it's because I just watched Hot Ticket, where they have a great, aquarium-included conversation bit. I get the feeling that there's a different show out there where Brian's the main character, Arnold gets the same amount of screentime, and Dev

I did not realize that Soft Cell had any songs other than Tainted Love until this episode. That song was really good though; is there back catalog worth checking out?

I usually say that Lucky is my favorite song ever. There There is probably my 2nd favorite Radiohead song behind it. But the solo in There There edges out the solo in Lucky a bit for me.

That one only feels flashy after listening to it a bunch. It has like 3 distinct parts and they're all fucking great