
Yes, but not as good as LCD Soundsystem

The floating effect was very reminiscent of The 25th Hour, which is a very good thing.

that's the humble part, bro

He makes me want to start using "biffed it" all the time now.

That's a nice compliment to Andy Samberg, and an even nicer humblebrag!

Getting back into The Walkmen, and "Heaven," perhaps strangely, is one of the most heartbreaking songs in recent memory for me. Just the transition from "stick with me, you're my best friend" in the first chorus, to "don't leave me, you're my best friend" in the next few is so desperate and gutting, and I feel like

One of the best, more under-the-radar, roles he's had is his guest star spot on one of the best episodes of NTSF SD SUV

I want to see him in an outright comedy. He's shown some really good comedic timing in Ex Machina and Star Wars.

Vikram makes a good point, that the treatment of Edgar this year has taken the turn from humorous to cringeworthy.
As far as overall quality goes, it did take the second season a few episodes (around when it became clear something was wrong with Gretchen) to start setting the bar really high for itself. So I am still

Where are we at with Gretchen these days? Her assholeness this season has been bordering on unpleasant. B season one and especially season two there was more there to offset and make her a likeable or justified asshole. Obviously she's still dealing with the fall out of the major depressive episode of season two, but

This isn't terrible casting. I wish it was for a movie about the Velvet Underground though, cause why hasn't there been a biopic about the Velvet Underground yet?

Nope. It's Noah Garfinkle, Joe Mande's comedy partner. The dude has a really funny Twitter.

I feel like there's a decent amount here for at least a few seasons: what's the deal with the bad place? Who's behind everything? Why sooo exclusive?
Early guess: even though she'll improve greatly, in the season finale, Eleanor (and maybe Chidi) will get found out and sent to the Bad Place.

There's a potential tonal issue here that may prevent me from loving this show. The whole sci-fi/fantasy show in the body of a sitcom could prevent the show from excelling at either. It was funny, but not hilarious, and it lacked a plot propulsiveness that great serialized shows have.
This is probably an unpopular

Suck it, Goodell!

When will Hollywood fucking watch Childrens Hospital already and realize she needs her own TV show right now!!

It did have a scene (that's regrettably been taken off youtube) that includes Patton Oswalt standing completely still and silent in the background of a party. That's a great gag for any sitcom.

It's not even that he's stupid that bothers me. Last year, I liked that he moved on and that Linday struggled, but this pregnancy storyline is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Hopefully she just gets an abobo and breaks up with Paul again.

Allan MacLeod's a funny dude, but Paul is kinda dead weight on this show at this point, no?

This is the second show in a row that I've watched, after Stranger Things, that does an excellent job of establishing a tone/feel for the series within the first few minutes.