
Human Resources—that name alone tells you that workers are seen simply as a commodity.

It’s right in the name. They’re not even ‘employees,’ they’re ‘resources.’

If she could have found a way to make a buck off of protecting the welfare of her employees, she would have.

Well, those sexual harassment payouts would’ve affected her checkbook. Of course she’s going to sweep them under the rug.

The people in power that you admire - politicians, executives, entertainers, pundits - do not care about you or your pet issues despite what they might say. They care about power: exerting it, holding on to it, and expanding it.

lol, you can’t be serious

Melt, little snowflake, melt!

Oh puhleaze. If you want to see examples of our rights being infringed upon just look up the activities of Obamas DOJ/NSA/FBI.

If it’s true, it’s not just the right wing that will be angry. People already feel Facebook is manipulative and unethical; this is just more fuel for the fire.