Seems like a relevant article for this PSA:
Seems like a relevant article for this PSA:
Monaco is such an anachronism in modern F1. I get that it’s more of a traditional event now, like the Indy 500 or Le Mans. But from a sporting perspective it makes no sense. Where F1 wants more wheel-to-wheel racing, Monaco has almost no real overtaking opportunities. Where F1 wants more safety, Monaco’s narrow bumpy…
Dealers might not budge on the price of a car like that because they know there’s a good chance that some other starry-eyed kid with more money than sense will come along and pay full sticker price. I recently bought a FoST, and I was able to negotiate about $800 off the asking price, but only because I was lucky…
“Are we prepping for another big war that I’m unaware of?”
To be fair, I think Joe has walked back (moonwalked?) the moon landing conspiracy stuff, after he had some actual scientists on his podcast who knocked some sense into him. Some of his other guests (the Eddie Bravo types) still take it hook line and sinker.
“You know, economists tell us that your automobile should not cost more than half of your annual income. ........ But so often, haven’t you seen people making five thousand dollars a year and driving a car that costs six thousand? And they wonder why their ends never meet. [laughter] That’s a fact.”
Neutral: You know how much taxes those big multi-national corporations paid before the new tax bill? Zero. You know how much they’re going to pay after the bill? Probably zero. Any big business worth its salt will have a team of creative lawyers who come up with new and exciting ways to dodge taxes. Taxes on the rich…
I know you may disagree with him, but Hulkenburg is hardly “mediocre”.
Oh look, someone bought themselves a copy of SolidWorks and tried to get creative.
The key, I think, is that recharging needs to reach parity with gasoline refueling in terms of infrastructure and turnaround time. Gasoline still has the advantage in those areas. You can pop into a gas station and refuel in a couple of minutes with little impact on your schedule - you can refuel almost as an…
Petition to change the idiom “When pigs fly” to “When any of these flying car concepts fly”.
No idea where you’re getting this from. My 10-year-old 600cc inline 4 gets 40+ mpg regularly. If I left it in top gear and never accelerated hard it would do even better. It’s not uncommon for other bikes to get 60+ mpg. Meanwhile my Honda Civic struggles to average 30 mpg in regular usage.
F1 would survive without Ferrari. They don’t need Ferrari, they just need a popular brand to draw crowds/views. Between Red Bull’s popular media presence and Mercedes’s automotive performance reputation, I think they’d have their bases covered.
Re “Inconsistent Speed”:
I think I drew a picture of that car in second grade.
I don’t care what the price is. When I see that Viper with those go-faster stripes, my inner 8-year-old kicks in. It brings me back to the days of Hot Wheels and Gran Turismo. I just want to take it home and treat it nice.
The SUV sales boom will be sustainable if, while nobody’s looking, they swap out the internal combustion engines for electric motors. I mean, I doubt anyone is buying a Jeep Compass for its engine. People just want the size and comfort.
In Florida, putting your hazard lights on while driving in the rain is dangerous and illegal. And yet everyone fucking does it.
Seriously, Florida driving is bad enough. But add just a little bit of rain - which Floridians should really be more used to - and everyone just magically forgets how to drive.
Neutral: Would You Buy A New Harley If You Had The Money?