Sean Robertson

@JuniorAndTorrie: Though I use Windows at work, I disagree with you on that. It all depends on what you do with it.

I actually did this for my boyfriend once so he could see how different colors would look on the walls of his living room. Needless to say, he absolutely loved it, especially being able to tweak the colors and see how they looked in real time. Old hat to me but impressing the hell out of people with simple Photoshop

@Rolcol: Why on earth would they do that?

My roommate swears by his netti pot, but I've been a bit reluctant to try it myself.

My boyfriend and I drink a fair amount of wine and I've never gotten a corked bottle. I have had the cork fall into the bottle though (ugh!).

Make like a bird and move south for the winter? Why did we humans ever leave the warm savanna in the first place? ;-) Sadly, though, I'm stuck in frozen DC right now.

@BOK9000: Look for some better screenshots of it running with the full Aero glass effects turned on - it looks MUCH better. Personally, I'm really looking forward to playing with it.

@EricL: *points up* There's one in every thread, isn't there? ;-)

@kimsama: My BF does stuff like that all the time - the only good way to eat leftovers. That's obviously worlds removed from eating food found in a dumpster, which I am thoroughly unwilling to try.

@The How-To Geek: I love working at a company with no dress code. Almost invariably, I end up being the best dressed guy in the office without even trying. ;-)

I created this page:

$24 a month for even the basic version is absurd. I'll pass until they get their heads out of their asses.

@Sean Robertson: I shoudl calrify, that's on my iPhone. Never took a laptop there. LOL

@Deprong Mori: Agreed! I've got to have a certain amount of background noise and it's nice to have a place you can go meet people and see your friends on a semi-regular basis.

@finalellipsis: Maybe he's got a bug on his computer that causes a y and o typed consecutively to both disappear?

Their server is excruciatingly slow. I don't care how cool the app is, it's as useless as tits on a bull if you don't bother to invest in decent hosting.

That phone looks like ass. More specifically, John McCain's old ugly ass. An no multitouch is an immediate deal breaker. Why is this so hard for anyone other than Apple to do? Is it just a patent issue (if so, IMO, the patents ought to be invalidated).

@Alex7575: Did you have to get an old 80's brick phone to use it on?

Listening to some good lounge music like Thievery Corporation, Satin Germain, Air, or Hands Upon Black Earth usually does it for me. If that isn't enough, it's time to bring out the Tiesto and Jonathan Peters. ;-)