I’m pretty proud of the commentariat for not going low and telling you to go fuck yourself and that Pop is the best.
I’m pretty proud of the commentariat for not going low and telling you to go fuck yourself and that Pop is the best.
[opens usgs.gov]
“I’m not surprised that ***all production companies*** likely turned a blindeye to what appears to be systematic harassment and abuse as for years ...”
If you don’t think Simmons and Embiid are among the most interesting players to watch in the NBA, then you, sir, are a crap fan.
On the other hand, why should I give two shits what right wing publications think about anything whatsoever?
Singers will be especially messy because he threw parties. There were lots of older rich dudes at those twink fests. It will be gross, messy and super scandalous. Or maybe the collective older rich dudes money will keep it away? Does society care about unknown twinks? The only reason Spacey is finally getting in…
It’s sort of weird to think that Matthew on Newsradio was him playing a more competent, successful, and idealized version of himself.
That’s a fairly ahistorical take. The USSR experienced the most sudden and dramatic improvement in general quality of life ever seen (barring a drop during WWII, which duh) and eventually even ended the famine cycle that had plagued Russia under the Tsars. Also there’s the whole winning WWII thing, defeating (with…
The Atlanta History Museum shocked me with how borderline inaccurate it is. They take great pains to show that both sides were in the wrong, and that the war one day just magically ended (not that the South lost). It was all very weird.
These fucking treason apologists who support the south and their war against the land they claim to love (AKA the United States) always remind me of Yosemite Sam and that weird southern dude who would pop up in various Bugs Bunny cartoons. “We call it The War Between The States. There was nothing CIVIL about that war!”
If you’re short on time, here’s the TL/DR version:
Nope, sorry. No pass for the Romanovs. Their “efforts towards democracy” were pure lip service. The final straw was when dim-witted Nicholas took command of the military from seasoned generals in the field in WWI, and his every decision was fatal.
The only reason those statues were erected was to remind black people “of their place”. Racism, pure and simple. Nearly every single Confederate statue has been erected as an explicit response to blacks fighting for their rights.
As Ta-Nehasi Coates was reminding people on twitter: 3/5s of a person was already a compromise. Missouri was a compromise. Lincoln’s election platform was a compromise. The road to the civil war was paved in compromises that never managed to be enough for the slaveholders of the south.
If only the Confederates had been allowed to enslave human beings a little bit that whole Civil War thing could have been avoided.
You should tune back in! The NBA is in a phenomenally good place right now: Tons and tons of exciting players, and a crazy number of really freakishly gifted young centers. But, the wild thing about Antetokounmpo is, he really is a seven-foot point guard. He plays point guard!
You should be beaten with a bundle of rods.
When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But…
I’ve heard people trying to defend McNair’s remarks as “something that people say all the time.” The thing is, I’ve never heard “inmates running the prison.” It’s always been “inmates running the asylum,” as in bat-shit psychotic patients attempting to run their psychiatric hospital. That being the case, his use of…