Sean R

Can we talk about the name “Rebels”?

“I’m not sure if the quarterback room really is exactly where it needs to be.”

Man, I love LeBron James. He’s a guy with virtually no formal education who has taken control of his platform to maximize his leverage at every single turn: he’s got a seat among billionaires and isn’t “feeling lucky just to be here.” I hope he becomes a gazillionaire and buys the league.

This is either excellent satire or proof that you don’t know the difference between < and >.

“Greater than/less than” symbols beyond the education level of your average Stoolie, to the surprise of nobody.

Meanwhile I’m still reeling over Hannibal’s cancellation.

“We literally didn’t have any ideas, so we just killed off the main female character in order to juice up the plot.”

And this is why anyone saying there shouldn’t be a witch hunt needs to take a long walk off a short pier.

I think you are both overreacting and missing the point. There can definitely be a feeding frenzy when social media sharks smell blood in the water, but that doesn’t seem to be happening here. Remember, it wasn’t some random Twitter vigilantes objecting to Corden’s jokes, but two of his actual victims. I don’t think

Actually the reason she’s had her job for this long is because she’s kept the numbers exactly where Apple wants to keep them.

If sarah silverman makes this joke...

“Diversity of thought” IS HUGE double speak for “how the hell can we claim diversity without filling this joint with unwanted Black people”. It’s maddening and ridiculous but this is what happens when white folks want cred but don’t want to put in any work.

Yeah, you beat me to it. Contreras gets blown up if that rule isn’t around, and we’re back to collisions that are arguably more dangerous than what happens on football kickoffs.

But without that rule, doesn’t Culberson just plow into Contreras? I get that this is the MLB equivalent of the “What’s a catch?” but I think that play is dramatically different if the rule doesn’t exist. Maddon wants it repealed, but then we go back to arguably the most dangerous hits in US sports. I think Maddon has

...Or it’s become clear to them in the wake of all this that reporting assault is something you’re obliged to do to prevent future victims?

Y’know, if you’d bothered to read the article, you’d have seen the statement from Mondanile. And the one from the band. I guess twelve sentences is a bit of a tall ask, huh?

by ‘High-crime’ he means the homeless. Las Vegas really has only one decent homeless shelter and it is near there. It’s by where Tony Hsieh’s Vegas project is... and that redevelopment already hurts the homeless, because the homeless literally have nowhere else to go and the cops push them out now during the daytime

I more meant using public money for things like schools, housing, better policing...things like that. Not so much commercial development.

Look, you guys, I don’t want to scare anyone, but I saw Choo-Choo walk out that door, and I’m pretty sure he’s gone forever now. Might never have existed, may have ceased to exist. I can’t really say. All I know for sure is: No more Choo-Choo.