Sean R

You make a virtue of your own moral cowardice. It is pathetic.

You have an incredibly superficial understanding of something you profess to love, coward. That you don’t understand how a show devoted to showing how a philosophy develops under stress is tied to that philosophy is a really poor indication of your basic capacity to critically view things.

Getting yelled at for doing something shitty is not having you life ruined, you fucking moral coward imbecile.

Or maybe coddling fucking morons who need to only see things that repeat things they have already processed because they cannot handle the mental challenges of engaging something new is pathetic and we should instead do all that we can to convince them to murder themselves as swiftly as possible.

You are defined by your moral cowardice, fuck wit.

Insipid moron, you actually define privilege through example with this idiotic blathering about a topic of which you have clearly done only the most cursory research.

I hope life smashes into you like a freight train, you fucking pathetic and servile shit.

Your inane and pathetic insecurities are forcing you to concoct idiotic paranoid fantasies of reverse racism.

Are you using “everyone is so sensitive” to excuse how whiny you sound here or do you lack even that self-awareness?

In your life, you have missed the experience of being treated precisely like the fucking moron you are. To fix this deficit in your life, try smashing your face with a brick again and again and again until the brick becomes to slick with your own blood to hold.

Your funeral will be a lonely affair.

Why would you indulge in such an inane gimmick rather than killing yourself?

Cool, you support increased foreign funding to international LGBTQ human rights groups as well as granting gay refugees safe harbour in the United States.

You could be replaced by a robotic asshole shitting endlessly and no one would ever notice the difference. End the thing that you are, you fucking waste.

Here is your cake, martyr.

Offering up such moralistic inanity strikes me as just possibly a tiny bit like someone choosing the pissiest way of demonstrating that they are the smallest person in the world.

You are a tiresome, inane fuck and I hope you get to test out accessability on the internet because cancer takes your fucking eyes.

I love that this picture is totally plausible as coming from the next season of Legion.

Rugby, at least where I played, where officials are addressed super respectfully as sir before arguments and most discussions with the referees feature intense confusion from both parties about what the rules of rugby actually are.

Guillermo is not Benicio, dipshit.