Wow, what an incredibly condescending tone to take.
Wow, what an incredibly condescending tone to take.
Don’t you wish your parents avoided the waste of flesh that you have become by practicing safe sex or seeking a safe abortion. It is not to late to give them the holiday gift of fixing their mistake.
Snookums, I realise that you consider yourself an iconoclast and free thinker, mewling out inanities about having to hear young human beings, but actually you are existentially impotent and useless to the living. You have nothing to offer the world but the inconvenience of your future corpse, so find a sunny place…
And yet you jumped in immediately to express judgements about her and how she makes a living. What do you think that says about you? Can I question your motives and your effect on the world in the way you question her? Where do you think your reflexive dismissal stems from?
You are offering up a particularly mindless type of moral cowardice, you fucking moron.
Of all the possible combinations of words in the English language, you chose this paean to your own inanity.
You are ignoring the most obvious problem with these Heat: the loss of pretty solid D-League success story from last year Rodney McGruder.
A person has about the same chance as winning a lotto than having the NFL raise them out of poverty, you absurd moron.
You really are a moral coward.
You know nothing about this subject and the questions you are asking serve only to expand your ignorance, not challenge it.
You know, except literally holding it up as a justification and using said fig leaf justification as a lever to whine about Deadspin not also providing same said justification.
For sure. Similarly, Durant has played a way more aesthetically pleasing game since joining the Warriors and the focus on blocks is a big contributor.
Dan, your TOTALLY VALID concerns would easily be solved by you with simply one gun and one bullet. Take charge and help make the world a better place!
Sad, sick fuck: as shitty as this article is, you transparently only care about this domestic violence because it gives you a lever to talk shit about a website you frequent.
What an truly inane and self-aggrandising take. Yes, you precious moron, only you could determine the intent of the article. Everyone who notes that there is a idiotic and over-filled genre of trying to understand white racists by demonstrating how similarly they live to the average white middle class American that…
You are either entirely disengenuous, willfully ignorant, or simply a fucking moron. In none of these cases do you have a single goddamn thought worth publishing on this issue and you should learn to shut your fucking gob.
What a heaping pile of shit of a comment.
You are a mewling liar and will never experience joy.
But don’t you see! He theoretically faced consequences (but never actually suffered) that it seems he deserved!
Yes, ‘female’ serves as an adjective. Pluralising it guarantees it reads as a noun, inappropriate as you note.