Sean R

Yes, ‘female’ serves as an adjective. Pluralising it guarantees it reads as a noun, inappropriate as you note.

In your mind, journalism should only reveal the type of certainty that comes with massive financial resources AND should systemically mute voices that don’t fit your incredibly curtailed version of legitimate.

Yes, yes, it is everyone else who over-simplifies things into binaries.

No, you only find through meaning through other people recognising how shitty you are and stating it? Who could ever have guessed!

You aren’t people, garbage water. Fuck off/die.

So self-worship? Fuck you, moral coward.

Die overseas getting me oil and shut the fuck up, self-glorifying piece of shit.

Gosh, I bet you felt super clever with this, insipid fuck.

So the fuck what? You keep repeating that as if it matters in the fucking slightest, you fucking moron.

You have a ninth grade understanding of Russian history.

Defining things as political and their by making a claim of their contested nature is in itself a political act, you fucking moron.

Fascism moved beyond the limitations of the specific limits of the Italian case almost immediately after it came into existence. Trying to define it down as you are doing here is ahistorical and idiotic. The form of misgiven and literal-minded pedantry you deliver here is an affront to the world and you should dig out

Truly insanely defensive dismissal of others is the way to live life, you absolute moron.

You. You are the fucking problem here, insipid moron.

Examine why you have this reaction and then realise that there very little on earth less important than your fandom of a university sports team and that it has become a cancer of your goddamn brain.

Get CTE and forget what a piece of shit you are.

Gross. I hope the game dies and joy seeps from your life.

Yeah, no one should take a moral stand against a person seeking to avoid legal entanglements related to a sexual assault they committed.

Yes, no one should ever contextualise anything because what something is called is the only thing it is.

I think they might be getting bent out of shape because your contribution was at best deeply inane and at worst speaks to the type of pathetic insecurities that makes the world want to stamp you out like a cigarette.