Sean R

You are projecting your own idiocy into the world. Shockingly, people are actually able to engage in forms of parallel thinking and clusters of ideas are joined into coherent ideologies.

Pobrecito, the latter adverb is applied to the adjective, the former to the other adverb. You are inappropriately smug (demonstrated again right here) to a comical degree. While ungainly, it is a grammatically correct usage. Were you unaware that adverbs have that versatility?

? No?

Yes, but I am pretty positive you are not the only comically inappropriately smug one, dumb dumb.

Oh, I am sorry, I was joking. Why would I want to be around more than one person like you?

One final plea for someone else to do what you cannot. You hapless fuck.

Oh my, a real life comms director! So, you draft shitty form letters for interns and unread press releases to disinterested low level reporters?

Why would I stand in the way for your desperate search for external validation?

Tell me your boss’ favourite rape joke. You clearly are SUPER close and important to her and I imagine she also is real mad at the PC police for daring to respond to a shitty late night host’s dribbling shit with anything other than laughter.

Oh wow, you are an LA? Nah, probably just an intern.

Yes, I am truly shamed that someone desperately went through my internet comment history because they Need To Win On The Internet! Oh no! Apparently I am mean on the Internet!

I love that you somehow don’t understand how whiny you sound here. Oh no, the SJWs!

Huh, you are pretty terrible at deflection, twit. I bet your family is mostly as shitty as you and as tragic as that is, your comfort at your own mediocrity is even more depressing. Especially when you literally define yourself as the smartest boy in the whole class, but you confuse your own comfort and intellectual

If Trump had invested his massive inheritance in index funds, he would be vastly wealthier. Literally putting all of his money in the most basic investment vehicle would have been smarter than his business decisions.

Yeah, Corden should be making rape jokes during the actual crime because literal minded imbeciles like you have really deterministic opinions of what words like “current” mean.

No one should ever be allowed to express a negative response to a joke because comedians are pathetic cowards and must be protected at all costs! They are the world’s truth tellers!

Oh snookums, it is so hard when you aren’t allowed to babble any possible joke that pops into your head. You know who else besides communication has to grapple with the moral dimensions of communication and the possible consequences of the marketplace of ideas? Literally everyone. Sorry that the world is too

Can I come to your next family funeral and start cracking jokes about how much better death would be then spending another moment on life with you?

Seriously, how fucking idiotic are you that you are incapable of understanding context or content?

Fucking moral coward. Sorry that not all jokes are treated equally. It is more like the word defines a format, not the content, and so you have to actually think for a fucking second about discussing them.