Sean R

The reason that context eludes you is because you are a particularly pompous type of moron. You are incapable of discussing the rules of language because you fail to grasp the practice of using words to contain complex, socially constructed meanings. Your every word is drawn from a poisoned well. Every single person

“Moron” is a noun too. It is still not something you apply as a general noun for human beings. That is considered rude, you fucking moron.

Fed plays a highly idiosyncratic game, heavily reliant on cunning. His manner of play is not contradicted by anyone who imposes personal style onto their own.

Your life has been wasted.

Because you prefer ineffectiveness? What a dumb response to this article and to existence.

Yeah, no more articles about ADAPT anywhere.

You really don’t realise how inane your comment here is, do you? “Compromise” isn’t a value-neutral word and is meaningless without context. Should people compromise on their goddamn survival?

What specifically is the thrill you receive from huffing your own farts thusly?

You will literally never understand how detestably pompous you are.

I wish that you would develop a sort of mania that would cause your pontificating ass to peel off your own face, fry it up, and choke to near death on it. Christ, you fucking ponce.

Should I blame you for dull-witted garbage published under your name? Did you choose the idiocy you are burdened with?

Your stance is that you regurgitate inane shit, adding no details to your vomited out nonsense.

Why blame? Why are you assuming guilt in the reduced rates of marriage?

You are truly a moral coward and I hope the world strips all joy from your life before you die.

What a beta thing to say, pathetic fuck. So you watch football because you think parking your ass in front of a tv to watch others face injury makes you tough? Prove your own valour by smashing your cowardly face with a hammer.

I honestly hope you get early onset Alzheimer’s, you fucking useless moral coward.

Smugness doesn’t work as a response to people notifying you that you have shit yourself, lil baby.

Because the legal status on a monopsony is easier to defend in court than a full-on monopoly.

How should you feel about an abusive family?