Sean R

Every single other word you wrote is blotted out by the neon screaming idiocy of “irregardless”.

Except that in actuality, frat and soriority members are disproportionately wealthy. You should murder your friends.

All studies of frats and sororities have found that there members are vastly disproportionately wealthy. They were created literally as a way to differentiate their members from the middle class/immigrant college students that started to enter colleges in the late 1890s.

The.n your school was a massive exception. The demographics of frat and sorority members skew wildly towards higher income individuals.

Find the special bullet in your life.

Old Don Jr quote:

No, basic reality is.

No one will ever tell the truth to you because they don’t trust you.

Because the child is not just a receptacle for its parents religion-fueled fantasies. It is a being suffer immense, ceaseless pain that it cannot understand or communicate in any way, while being wholly unable to feel so much as the touch of another creature.

McInnes is a pathetic coke casualty and lost the last chance he had to be interesting by not blowing his brains out fifteen years ago.

You flatter yourself, inspid moron. The people who put up the monument were racists, who expressly put the monument up to actively supress black people. The ancestors of yours who fought for slavery were garbage and deserved to die.

You have difficulty distinguishing between unlike things, pitiful fuck. That is a pretty crucial stage in early childhood development.

These monuments were almost entirely the product of Jim Crow governments, decades after the Civil War.

Except that they do not represent that history, provide no context for the racist intent, and remain rallying points for extant racism.

I bet it would take four slaps to make this man cry, snacks or no, iill soft boomers burn them in their homes take their snacks take their snacks take their snacks whole.

There are other black British actors that are not Idris Elba. Actors who actually need a break.

Cool fuckin story. You truly are a fucking hero (on the internet). Thank goodness we have your inane moralism here because it is really missing in the world.

This is an unreasonably inane response.

I hope you receive nothing but bad news for the rest of your life, whiny fuck.

Your expectations for others are nik because you exoect nothing of yourself. You are projecting your own essential worthlessness on this article, expressing a regressive little cliche favoured by the dullest humans on earth.