Sean R

That and also because it is a completely, completely different set of circumstances and connecting them trivialises appropriation, you disengenuous fuck.

She was listed, she didn’t claim the position. She mentioned what she thought was her ancestry and the department used it to boost their pathetic diversity record.

So here is your fucking cookie for not hypothetically doing a monstrous thing.

It is like you get the lightest possible experience with prejudice and rather than focusing on what that might mean for people who actually suffer systemic oppression, you manage to make yourself a martyr.

Paul is actually a pretty low usage point guard. Look it up.

You have so fucking much catered to you in your life that the appearance of one thing that you aren’t interested in makes you go into a tantrum?

The only point you have proven is that no one will ever love you.

Moron: people should be biased against racist scum.

Because you mindless fuck, there are actual stakes. My life depends on health care access, yours doesn’t on protection from the imaginary thought police.

This is the most desperate thing I’ve ever read.

Chris Paul is the best player you will ever see in a Clippers jersey. It probably won’t be close. He has the top six Clippers seasons by WP/48 and by BPM.

Kill your parents and teachers for the abusive neglect of not teaching you what paragraphs are.

You worship the accoutrements of success rather than success itself. No one would ever read a book about your life. Die in a more interesting way than you have lived.

This is a very, very silly take coming from a very sad place.

Except that by attacking Carmelo, he alienated and pissed off Porzingis, as well as brutally tarnishing the Knicks’ attractiveness to free agents. He was trying to fix his terrible, dumb move by making more terrible, dumb moves.

Why? Are you some manner of emotional infant or have you just never questioned the tribalism in which you were raised?

What is existential impotence like?

Why would you possibly assume that?

I think that there is pretty good evidence from a couple of weeks ago that wrestling is definitely bad for the brain.

Do you generally think that the things you don’t know about are interesting aspects of your character that you need to share with others?