Sean R

Good luck for finding one with yours, rather than shitting inside ballot boxes, dope.

The most moderate Democrat is far to the left of a left-wing Democrat of thirty years ago.

I hope it ruins the rest of your fucking life.

It is almost like you understand the concept of discourse in the age of hyper-communication, but come from such a moralistic, ascriptive, fucking inane place that it gibbles into whines and whines and whines.

I hope it is ash in your fucking brain, you useless whining fuck.

Short answer: no, not really. Reconciliation rules are federal law and to change them would require sixty votes, while many senators from both parties support the basic mechanisms.

No shit. As an ant, all you see is the boot.

You can’t actually believe that, can you?

You have never had even a mildly originaly thought in your entire life, whimpering coward.

Yes, I feel like you rely on really played out humour from more than a decade ago and are a coward.

Sure, my mother is a terrible dentist and we’ll smear shit on the drill to ensure infection.

You are the most internet.

That make you a fucking ant, you realise?


I hope you get infected root canals that rot your entire lower jaw off.

Truly, you are a hero among us all, mightily blocking ads simply because of the strength of your convictions.

I hope that you lose your job and starve to death!

Yeah, more subsidies for racism!

The formula for figuring out the probability for a team to proceed is:

I honestly hope someone throws literal shit at you, some gets in your mouth, you get listeria, and the subsequent IV gets infected, costing you four fingers in your dominant hand. That is the karmic price for insipidness in my utopia.