Sean R

Yeah, most MMA fans (including myself) would definitely call that a late stoppage.

You fail to see a lot. You are not a bright person. That you need to give yourself a little star sticker for not getting something is so fucking sad.

Sure bud, tell yourself that. Tell yourself that you deserve to try and order me to teach you fairly basic things about the world.

I don’t give a fuck about how offended you were by an illustrative and parodic hypothetical.

You are so fucking desperate for victimhood, yet so fucking terrified of facing any consequence for your actions. What a sad paradox.

I don’t need to, dipshit. Your “point” is not worth debunking to anyone with a functional education. You do not deserve, at this point in your life, to get tutored for free. You are no longer, physically-speaking, a child.

Yes, if something happened that was completely different, with completely different cultural context would happen that reinforced existing power dynamics, people would have a different reaction, you completely facile moron.

You have never read a single feminist work in your entire life. You have barely read any peer-reviewed books, cover to cover. You have never had a true conversation with a feminist about feminism in real life.

Why do you conflate things like that? Did you miss a basic developmental step?

You are living your life poorly.

Your life seems terrible.

If impeachment proceeding don’t occur before the midterms, what penance will you perform for being wrong?

What a dull story about how you need to feel special to cheer for a team. I wish you had included a happy ending, like describing what it felt like when you got hit by a car.

I have never seen such whiny, obnoxious criticisms. Like, you specifically are making me a Warriors fan.

Golden State has the saddest critics in the world.

He looks really happy, like if he just found out you had cancer.

But Oklahoma is the worst state in a union - Texas without the charm, a place so shitty that people were sent there as part of a largely successful attempt at genocide - and everyone with even the tiniest bit of sense and agency should leave.

You mean people are using their free speech to criticise yours? Truly you are a victim, histrionic coward.

Like for instance, you use a tragedy to be a hyper-defensive piece of shit, making a pathetic exhibition of your moral cowardice (and overweening lack of a sense of humour).

Oh snookums, sorry that people aren’t given as many free passes for being shitty. I can see how that is personly threatening for you.