Sean R

You are demonstrating extremely low understanding of how census divisions in Ontario work. Mississauga is in Peel, which has 1.2 mil people.

It is brave of you to never consider the remote possibility that you are especially shitty.

Drown yourself in a vat of your own tears, histrionic apologist for the shittiest elements of our society.

No one will ever give a fuck about a single word you say, sanctimonious fuck. If/when you have children, your delinquency would give them a better chance than subjecting them to the child abuse that is/would be your presence.

Bill Maher is literally brain damaged. If you find him saying something you consider sage, fucking kill yourself.

Oh for fuck’s sake. You equate you receiving criticism on the internet to a national shitshow. You are one histrionic motherfuck, huh?

What the fuck happened to you that made you choose to have hyper-defensiveness be your sole defining quality? Sorry people disagree with the way you choose to express yourself. Being an adult means accepting that without pissiness. Grow the fuck up.

This is a weird post for someone who works as a piss pig to write.

You are defining cognitive bias.

Don’t type while crying. It is bad for your keyboard/device.

Yeah, no one deserves punishment for Trump more than a city that is mostly people of colour who don’t have a congressional vote and who will massively be disproportionately affected by Trump slashing federal jobs.

In its own way, your misuse of the term “jumped the shark” to describe the normal athletic age curve is more grating than when someone fucks up the meaning of ironic or literal.

By which you mean you challenge the basic meaning of words as some part of inane semiotic game?

Reminds me of inane complaints about predominant theories that fundamentally misunderstand what research paradigms are, you fucking anti-intellectual moron.

I like you being called “idiot who gets run over by a bus, then shits himself”.

Your mother is going to feel secretly justified when she attends your funeral.

I hope that when the doctors find your cancer, they don’t tell you out of justified spite, you fucking skin filled with shit, writhing around in pseudo-conscious spasms.

Your father failed you. You should murder him.

Maybe he was a bit sick of people completely shitting over his best season in five years, where he was a top five defensive player in the league.

Fuck off, cowardly whiner. Register your protest through ritualised self-mutilation.