Sean R

You know nothing of the history of sport.

Those reporter jobs wouldn’t exist without the athletes, dumb dumb. Sports reporters, in general, are the least skilled and most easily replaceable journalists in the industry.

How cowardly are you that you think performers should never be challenged for saying racist shit.

Kill all stand ups.

Stand ups are self-important head cases and should be mock in public at all times.

Dipshit, that happens in a bunch of places with a bunch of ethnicities.

I guess you’ve never heard of grad school teaching and research assistants, huh?

Uh, yes? If you cannot deal with the fact that the world’s largest country will exercise power over an area in which it is a regional hegemon, you are a fucking moron. Maybe the US will be “less strong” than China. So what? The US has not been deeded the world in perpetuity and should, in fact, be more humble in the

Your job was so much harder than the sweatshop workers who would eventually produce the clothes you reported on. You had to wait for a bus!

You are entirely educated by inane blogs. Your version of logic is when someone categorically agrees with every thing you say because you lack even the tiniest iota of self-awareness.

You are dull as fuck.

Who gives a fuck? They want dumb, self-destructive things. These protestors ensured that he gets less future venues to speak and ultimately will heavily impede his book sales.

Who gives a fuck? It will make them less likely to be able to actually book speakers, costing them money and almost certainly reducing the amount of people who join them. The material gains are a lot more important than the (fictional) emotive gains. Think for a fucking second.

It says that there are unintended consequences of the offense that Thomas brings, specifically the reliance on a small ball lineup without a rim defender and only so-so perimeter defense, that negates his contributions and needs to be addressed.

You have fucking idiotic ideas of masculinity and I hope it is prostate cancer what gets you.

I wish you would improve your sense of humour with a clawhammer to your own skull. It would be such a funny joke!

They aren’t seeking political good will, they are largely senators from states that went for Trump who are up in the next four years.

Giant monsters are awesome, literally everything else on earth can fucking die.

I have literally no desire to prove anything to you. I am going to mock your utterly feeble flailing til I get bored because you are a contemptible little fuck that deserves the clear mental difficulties you face. Your life is tragic and it shows through every word you write.

Yeah, there has never been anyone shitty who has attended rich ass schools!