Sean R

Fuck that. It suggests that living creatures capable of experiencing affection AND pain exist purely to subordinate their lives to human beings and become slave agents of human self-fulfillment. It is an incredibly shitty view of existence and runs really parallel to gross fucks who believe that the entire natural

Thanks for your insight, it is worthy of more than a star.

Jokes are tough sometimes, huh?

Maybe in a less competitive year than 2016.

Racism is a revealed, not stated, trait.

The bizarro world where one group has a union?


Yeah, I hope the players kill themselves!

Based on WP/48, Dwight Howard has produced more value this season than Wade and Anthony combined... times three.

I bet you even feel pressure to make your suicide elaborate. Don’t worry, take it easy and get r done.

How heroic of you. Truly, you are a saviour of the Republic by making your family watch a tv show largely written for teenagers.

How about: #hashtagfuckingkillyourselfdonaldtrump #allpatriotslongforpotussuicide #respect

You can be an asshole and make wholly ignorant judgments about someone’s deeply personal family issues based on reading one line.

Rodney’s overall game hasn’t been too impressive this year, but it must suck to get hurt while playing a mediocre game after hitting 8/9 3 pt shots in the previous game.

Mounds of tumours.

Kill your parents.

Maybe shouldn’t pass a bill that would serve to fuck over Canadian patients.

I find complaints about male-buns to be pretty crazy misogynistic as a rule - oh no, men with long hair use the easiest and most convenient way women with long hair use to keep hair out of their face, how gross! - but Fat Jew is fundamentally working against his own hair texture and the result looks like a petrified

Are you a professional strawman builder, or is it just some dumb hobby for you?

Because it is a flimsy window coating for a wealthy psychopath to sexually abuse people whose careers he controlled, you oblivious fuck. Find a cure for the disease that is your entire way of being.