Sean R

You have a short memory of the end of the race and feel shame to the core of your being.

You realise that the Clinton Foundation does more good in the world in a week than Stewart does in a year, right?

People suck and that is not your fault.

That is your takeaway, huh?

Don’t waste humanity’s time by breathing, transparently racist scum.

You are the one whining and seemingly desperate for a safe space from criticism, coward.

So, you are really cementing yourself to cowardice, huh?

Yeah! You had literally no evidence about what charges would be filed, but desperately needed to get your transparent racism on the record. Fuck you, dissembling dipshit.

Someone defend the poor massively wealthy woman who makes her living pandering to the mediocre! She might feel bad that her wishy-washy pap isn’t universally praised.

So will you apologise for being totally wrong here?

Fuck that. Raise the cost of taking money from fascists.

When we are put in camps, we are all going to secretly wonder why we didn’t murder these fuckers when we had the chance.

If they were willing to even listen to the latter policy, the former would never enter their minds. Having women (disproportionately low income women of colour) be saddled with the material and moral debt (because don’t you know that unwanted pregnancies are solely due to the slatternly nature of the pregnant) of

I literally hope each and every single one of these people get uncurable, painful, humiliating cancer and die. That is why I will forever be in the greys.

Yeah, because your viewing pleasure is te highest possible moral because if you didn’t get to see all players regardless of conduct then suicide would be unavoidable.

What an inane comment. His suspension was Christmas break.

You have never done a single thing to make another person’s life easier. Your mother still regrets the social pressure that made her keep the cancer that is you in her womb for nine months.

So your ego is entirely invested in the basketball team at the school you may have attended? And you seek to tell adults about this decision? What a dull life without accomplishments you must lead if this is what you need to avoid the razor.

What a pissy little nothing of a whine. Why would you write that? Do you literally have no pride or dignity?

No, that is a fucking slave mentality. The office of the president has been filled with many, many assholes who have done massive harm to people. The presidency should always be judged on its performance, not accorded the kind of cringing respect that people who don’t actually recognise how fucked the country is and