You have never done a single thing to make another person’s life easier. Your mother still regrets the social pressure that made her keep the cancer that is you in her womb for nine months.
You have never done a single thing to make another person’s life easier. Your mother still regrets the social pressure that made her keep the cancer that is you in her womb for nine months.
So your ego is entirely invested in the basketball team at the school you may have attended? And you seek to tell adults about this decision? What a dull life without accomplishments you must lead if this is what you need to avoid the razor.
What a pissy little nothing of a whine. Why would you write that? Do you literally have no pride or dignity?
No, that is a fucking slave mentality. The office of the president has been filled with many, many assholes who have done massive harm to people. The presidency should always be judged on its performance, not accorded the kind of cringing respect that people who don’t actually recognise how fucked the country is and…
Thank god you found a reason not to support a woman! Because the shittiest people in the country didn’t!
You have never had an interesting thought, even by accident. You are your parents’ punishment for their garbage nature.
Your life is a nightmare.
Oh no, people might disagree with you if you say something stupid! Truly the worst fate on earth!
You seem to be fun being either totally disengenuous or simply a complete and utter fucking moron, unable to accurately deduce tone, word choice, and sentiment of a speaker. Were you raised in a furnace room? Did you parents simply hate you?
Yeah! You should be allowed to say whatever you want when you are the announcer for a nationally broadcast game, because all opinions are equally valid and no one should ever face consequences.
It makes sense that none of her children were at her funeral. She was a terrible mother who despised them.
You are a shitty human being.
You identify with the ref in this situation. You would make a good cop.
Cognitive dissonance.
Yeah, as a state school they should start spending massive amounts of money to buoy up a middling football program so that they could maybe regularly go to low tier bowls.
The problem is that we assume that the awfulness at the centre of existence can be contained within the feeble human construction of a calendar year.
You really are not a bright person.
Documentaries that are “objective” are inane pieces of shit. Documentaries must have a viewpoint. And plenty of knowledge is bad. Tell me your home address and credit card number right now, because that would increase my knowledge.
Literally no one is saying there cannot be documentaries about hate groups, you fucking git. There are ways to produce documentaries that don’t involve paying racists a goddamned salary. Think for a fucking second.