Sean R

Everyone shits. It is one of the most common human behaviour. That doesn’t mean we have to be nice to crap.

You are giving some outlandish claims a tonne of credulity. You seem to have a real ax to grind.

You know, no one is forcing you to do this. You don’t have to scrape piss off the floors beneath urinals to make what you refer as “butter” for your morning bread. You can have even a tiny sliver of self-respect.

Why would you do this for attention rather than taking a bunch of pills and telling facebook about it? Don’t you have any dignity?

Ugh, how did something that is usually so easy for you all to put out suck so very hard here? The hyper defensiveness, the unwillingness to undergo the usual self-examination, the sheer impotence of the takedowns...

So the fuck what?

In what world are you not exhibit A for your own point?

You pretty transparently can only put yourself in Mixon’s shoes, garbage man, and the reason why is also transparent.

Yes, in large part because it has been reported on here and Deadspin a fair amount.

For all the talk of Boogie being trapped in Sacramento, Drummond has almost three times as many wins produced as Cousins (who has the same number of WP as Pachulia with about 300 more minutes). Detroit without Drummond would (in the abstract) have the same record as the Kings.

Your father ruined you.

That is why “caring, attentive father” is the ultimate heel gimmick in the WWE.

Our entire shared reality is a dark mirror of p&r.

Too bad, El Rey has/had a bunch of Shaw Bros movies (including Crippled Avenger) and then the last four Hellraiser movies.

Yeah, rich people should be allowed to age out of culpability.

He needs to stay in a real camp. Bailing from Tristar was incredibly self-destructive and is a measure of the uselessness of his Tennis dad-esque father.

If I found out today that I had a degenerative disease that would condemn my faculties and body to decay in a painful, humiliating, interminable fashion. If I decided to anxiously cast through open tabs on my ipad to put off the decision that lay before me in the form of the revolver sitting on my desk. If I read this

Fuck that, Look Sharp! and Night and Day are both seminal in the development of New Wave.

He is tied for third (with Boogie) amongst qualified bigs in the last four years in assist %, behind only Noah and Marc Gasol (the Greek Freak doesn’t count, positionally).

You mean a tiny, tiny number of people?