Sean R

Except that it literally never was. A Star Wars that followed Lucas’ singular vision would have been entirely different in content and tone. It was always a collaborative effort.

That is because it is essentially meaningless and simply a generic description for people younger than you who wear different clothes than you want them to. You should cauterise the term out of your head with a soldering iron.

Yeah, it is super weird and unusual for there to be fights between members of teams that aren’t at the pinnacle of their sports.

I love you, attention hound, because I am a sucker for sad, stupid fucks who don’t have the dignity to smash their skulls in with boulders.

This is near platonic stupidity. I envy your coma through 2002, you fucking dunce.

Let’s use the money to fill your lungs with bees, you flailing fuck.

Ugh, the underlying evidence is so fucking dumb. In their determination of correlation with Trump overperforming on districts with electric voting machines, they completely ignored characteristics of districts such as race and education and assumed that the distribution of voting machines was random.

Bull. Fucking. Shit. You want to mute the voices of the diverse coalition that is the Democratic party to make a small handful of people in three states (all of which have lower than the national average unemployment) marginally more likely to vote for them (given that there was tonnes of economic messaging put out by

You are so sad that people won’t stop making fun of you, huh? At least you know that most people in the country and world will always revile you because of your low character, so you have that.

And you believe that anyone else would have faced felony charges because you are ignorant and have terrible judgement.

You are kind of a moron and the world would have been better if had not asked you to make a decision so clearly beyond you.

Andre, my sweet, sweet idiot, anyone around you that has ever encouraged you to express yourself is secretly playing a prank on you because they revel in your humiliation. Never trust them again.

You are projecting your relationship with your pet on another person.

They do realise. For them, that is a feature, not a bug. This is about institutionalised child abuse.

Oh snookums, don’t hurt yourself patting your own back in congratulation at your moral terpitude in dismissing sexual harassment. You need to save your outrage for doing nothing and whining about others standing up for their own rights jot to be in a shitty workplace.

Yeah, it isn’t like Trump statements made appeals to racists or had suurogates like his son appear on white nationalist radio shows...

I think you should protest this incredible injustice by setting yourself on fire.

Fuck you. You live in a goddamned bubble. You deserve the hate you attract for your limp mediocrity.

Actually, your pedantry is what allows falsehood to fester, because it treats word exactitude as the only measure of truth, totally stripping the actual harm done to victims. You make me literally nauseous. 

The tightening came with mostly bench Warriors against pissed Celtics starters.