Sean R

Yeah, if we only nominate candidates with penises, we’ll be set!

So you are saying the Twolves terrible defense is a strategic choice?

Except that young players are used to significantly shorter seasons and are at an increased risk of injury.

Whee, a return to the Bush-era disaster of a Justice Department. Sessions has particularly feuded with the DoJ’s Civil Rights Division, the strongest anti-discrimination tool in the federal arsenal. It took a serious contender for greatest AG ever in Holder to even begin fixing the dakage done by Bush and it will all

That was with a Democratic majority in the Senate. Sessions will easily be confirmed.

Do you need a safe space, little one? I bet you won’t be troubled by being forced to click and read things you don’t want if you pull up Breitbart on your phone while you lie in the middle of qn interstate. And it would be car related!

Give you a gun and a single bullet?

As the NSA doesn’t need to be confirmed, you are relying on Trump’s sensitivity to institutional upkeep to prevent this human cancer from taking the job. It won’t happen.

Not pre-America. That all happened for the vast majority of the country’s existence.

Yeah, not like in the glory years of absolutely never. This is not a “neoliberalist agenda”, it is a highly popular strain of economic conservativism that has held sway in Congress for literally the existence of the country. Don’t look for new villains who are ruining the great country, look at the terrible country

Inane joke truther: Howard eFG% this season is .622.

When he says he’ll keep the preexisting coverage requirement, what he means is that he will throw them into state high risk pools (despite clear evidence that this results in massively expensive plans for participants and more people without coverage). This is doctrinaire Republican health care policy and has been

And it seems here like you are desperate to blame people who voted formhernso that people who didn’t don’t get bad feels.

Thank you for sharing this.

I mean, in the end a wedding is about bringing the people you care about out together for that moment. By telling your sister to not be who she is, you are telling her that she is not part of the people you care about. You are telling her that someone she has had to pretend to be is the person you care about.

And you are the most important racism detector and judge there is!

So you only like comedy dull enough to make you fall asleep, but get really judgemental about others’ comedic tastes? Way to live your life.

Yeah, you really fucking are.

You are right, dimb, ginned up controversies DID fuck with her campaign. Good job!

Yeah, remember when Clinton stopped campaigning like a week out and didn’t have surrogates working states like crazy?