Sean R

They don’t deserve it. The popular culture section of the American History Museum is the worst curated part of any Smithsonian. Just a mish-mash of randomly strewn cultural artifacts, without theme or context, presented with very little information. This is despite an extraordinary collection available to display.

Hmmm, no difference in context at all, huh, you sap-mouthed fucking dolt.

Uggggghh, what a whimpering little shit-hot take.

Sure. Can you admit that it is a permanent fixture of the American political system and that the Democratic Party has never been more left wing, more cohesively, at any time in history?

He’s cool... as ice.

This is at least partially due to the increase in charges brought against officers, particularly since the Obama DOJ has been filing suits against police departments with vigour.

I imagine you are well-versed in treating people being too bored to make fun of you anymore as a victory.

Pay me for abuse. I am not going to dom you for free.

The insane pomposity of writing a thousand words to complain that I am not taking you seriously...

Pay me to talk to you or keep asking disingenuous questions to hostility or silence. You are a real irritating type of self-important dumb, certain that the world should cater you, the lowest possible denominator. I am quite serious when I say that you will find no answers to why you are so transparently lacking on

No. You seek to understand the world in inane ways.

Well, I think that you could shed light on the inadequacies within your mind by drilling a hole into you skull and I could suggest methods you could use in the effort.

You are incapable of recognising your own behaviour. I am not obliged to help solve this problem for you.

Take responsibility for not sucking yourself. Don’t whine that people aren’t accepting enough of how shitty a person you are and need to spoonfeed you a goddamned conscience. Fuck the idea of you.

Self-pitying little baby.

Mewling self-pity because people aren’t being sensitive to how shitty you are, the surefire way for me to hope your get drowned in piss!

Mewling like a child because shitty things about a shitty person you have invested your tiny ego into have been made public is a textbook example of being overtaken by a feeling, you fucking doof.

Why? To appeal to internet commentators, who are super-unrepresentative and don’t turn out in huge numbers? She has a large and consistent lead, along with what is almost certainly a considerably better turnout machine. Why should she fight to win dumb internet fights for you?

I disagree completely. You realise that Obama did this kind of thing too, right? You realise that Clinton has, for her entire public life, taken shit for things that is treated as unmentionably innocuous if done by literally anyone else?

Do private purchases of previously owned guns require a background check like other gun purchases?