Sean R

Duder literalises the most masturbatory aspects of appropriation, entirely unintentionally, by crafting simulacra of jizzing on pictures of black women. Fucking creeper.

But why do you want the poster you are talking with to come up with fan-fic about magic foreign policy changes after they have already given you a tonne of detailed information about the immense practical difficulties of turning your fantasy into reality.

Gerrymandering has been demonstrated to affect voter polarisation much less than geographic polarisation, as the entire point of gerrymandering is to reduce a candidate of the favoured party’s vote share to the minimum safe share so that partisan voters can be distributed to the greatest number of districts within a

... well, what if the consistent ideology is consistently and demonstrably really bad at dealing with inequality and group-based disparities, which is a particularly dumb solution to a country beset with those specific problems.

No? Just kind of embarrassed for you and also dreaming of a great wave crashing into your home and dragging you completely helplessly away down, down, down into the black pit of the ocean.

Stay triggered for any video game article that veers even mildly in a direction that makes you feel insecure about your expensive toys.

I hope you wrote this on the shitter and then drowned yourself in your own stew immediately after hitting publish, smug fuck.

And he did alter Fairley’s angle of pursuit and as a result, Fairley was not involved in the tackle.

Coddling the ideas of cruel, racists fucks is really easy if you are an asshole.

You expres infantile opinions and are as such a much better candidate to get hit by a car than people protesting systemic racial injustice.

Your favourite band is such garbage.

Fueled by inane low info dolts like yourself!

The bar is really going to be a shitty, shitty time for you.

And the people who are bringing down the hammer on him are the exact type of Washington insiders (the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, which I have mentioned before) that Hillary Clinton has cozied up to for decades (former ACLU, NAACP, La Raza, etc. lawyers, many of whom got their start in DC under

Well, let’s see... tens of millions of malaria vaccines delivered to patients, about a dozen countries where HIV cocktails have been reduced to a dollar a dose, and tonnes and tonnes of other shit.

If only all money laundering saved lives. And also didn’t actually involve anyone receiving anything for a contribution. And that she met with the exact same type of people that Secretaries of State have traditionally met.

Except there is very little evidence of quid pro quo. Instead, you have the exact same group of people that have traditionally met with the Secretary of State.

You mean by being massively successful in giving enourmous amounts of money to sove key global problems?

Umm, apparently you didn’t see Gillan on NTSF.

Idiot: Pitt hadn’t even moved to LA until 1986/87. Do the tiniest bit of research before calling someone a fucking pedophile. What the hell is wrong with you?