Sean R

So you straight up think that if you have a murderer for a son, it is shameful to be seen in public? Are you some manner of fantastical moron?

It is awesome that you watched the whole game and know the exact circumstances and context of the call and aren’t just bleating like a particularly idiotic goat after watching a video that only shows a few seconds before the call.

If you think that a fucking member of management should be allowed to place hidden cameras and watch players without their knowledge or consent (a literal act of spying, so the headline is an undramatised account of the story) then say so. Don’t hide behind pissant passive aggressive sniping because you are so fucking

Yeah, you’ve seen pictures of her and that is basically like owning her.

I don’t know if it was seeing Toonces the Driving Cat or the Shaggy DA at a formative age or what, but this - animal movies where animals do unnatural shit - is my favourite genre of cinema.

Don’t read anything with a fucking perspective then, intellectual coward/lonely attention seeker.

Yeah, but was there really any movement whatsoever left after ol’ union busting Nader? Beyond generational replacement?

For me it is the idiotic, abusive behaviour he exhibited to coworkers, including mailing them dead animals and used condoms.

Your tongue should be ripped out of your mouth. You don’t deserve it.

Clint, you spent your time in the Army as a swimming instructor and immediately after that became an actor. You PLAYED tough folks, you didn’t magically become one.

Yes, but you are ignoring the immense collective action problem that parties exist to solve. Additionally, a blank ballot is a very ambiguous statement that allows almost any narrative upon it. This is why a primary vote is the most valuable type offered to citizens, as it gives the most direct influence over

Childfucker: you aren’t funny and this sad and greasy bid for attention is disgusting.

Jill Stein is a pretty shitty candidate, the Green Party is a dead end and exists as a zombie matching funds scam, and Duverger came up with a pretty well backed law, not a suggestion.

Progressive Punch has a duuuuuumb idea of what are crucial votes. Adults use DW NOMINATE scores and Boxer consistently ranks amongst the five most left wing members, while 7 of the 25 most left wing members in the House are CA Ds (including Lee, who tops that list).

You know when she wins, she is going to have you flayed. I have seen the draft exec order. Your family actually put in the request, which was odd. Apparently they despise your place in their lives.

Except bumped his arm and therefore interfering with play. That fan should have been flayed. His shitty family could be given a bushel ofsigned balls made from his skin.

Check where the links go, sometimes they hold mysterious surprises!

I mean, by most measures he is the second best hitting first basemen in baseball, so that is a weird definition of mediocre for a player turning 33.

How is that dumb fuck a fan of his? He is given a chance to watch Votto play right up close and he isn’t looking at Votto at all.

A) fuuuuck you