Sean R

Yeah, it is very important for you to make sure you never, ever question someone who fills you with such moral superiority.

You don’t have much knowledge about the position of the party chair and their traditional relationship to presidential campaigns to offer. I think the moralistic charge you bring reflects this.

Hillary didn’t “hire” Wasserman Schultz. Obama did, in May 2011.

Uhhhhh... Sanders and Gary Johnson could not be further apart on higher ed funding, taxation, social security, health care... a whole fucking pile of shit.

You... you do know that Wasserman Schultz was named DNC Chair in May 2011, right? Obama “hired” her.

Don’t you worry you are being a taaaaaad reductive about both presidential campaigns and the presidency to treat charisma in the incredibly structurally constrained bit of political ritual as a synecdoche for presidential qualities as a whole?

How these types of huge money, highly political gigs are booked and the inherent tensions are actually pretty interesting! I hate to tell you this, but the boring is coming from inside the house.

I didn’t. You flipped out on people contesting you. You are shutting down discussion. You seem like a real asshole.

Sure, fine.

Again, you are refusing to take even the tiniest bit of reflection. I hope you are less close-minded in other parts of your life. Dismissed.

I guess you should have made some sort of argument then, instead of immediately and without explanation declaring the ungendered use of the word “fuck” as inherently misogynist. It really makes you seem that you have never spent a fucking second thinking about this in any way and are instead childishly trying to yell

This is not a safe space for misogynistic language, regardless of the irony you think you intend. You can’t recognise the self-portrait you have produced.

Well, of you start with heteronormative assumptions about what “fucking” entails and gender penetration, I could see you making a case that it is problematic. Well, I could see someone who wasn’t being inanely facetious being able to make the effort.

You can do what you want. You can (and will and have and are currently) say what ever dipshit thing takes a leisurely stroll through the vast hollow caverns of your emptying mind.

Stop trying to censor people, PC police.

Wow, you are insanely unaware of the incredible hipocrisy of arguing that someone is not allowed to say you shouldn’t say something. Your obliviousness is so total it could define the term.

And you are less than that. You make yourself smaller than the childlike language you use. You diminish to nothingness, a -1 reply to one of comments that no one will ever read.

Fuck you. You don’t get to complain about having to engage in discourse on a public comment site in which you are voluntarily posting. What you are asking for is carte blanche to say whatever you want without any criticism. Fuck you.

Yes. I would support a genocide of everyone over 30 in the United States, even though this includes myself.

I have supported Clinton for more than a year, pretty vocally. This is about you throwing a tantrum because someone disagrees with you and because people don’t like to be called unimaginative gendered slurs.