Sean R

He didn’t bankroll “a” lawsuit. Pay at least some fucking attention, you fucking pissbaby dolt.

Gawker wasn’t “convicted”, with no member of its staff so much as indicted on criminal charges. Words mean things and you sound like a pretty fucking dumb lil duder when you fuck up relatively basic shit.

Now playing

Total Buffy season six situation. Now I’m arguing with a friend about whether or not that makes Sam the Willow (and I contend that Gilly looks at least a little like Tara). In any case, they obviously need to do a musical episode. Bronn’s singing past is fairly well known, as is Ramsay’s new EP, but everyone is going

If you are too big a fucking wuss to kill a boar with a spear, then I hope wild hogs destroy your home and sell your family into pig slavery.

You will glom on literally any opportunity to join a side that seems like it may win because you recognise yourself for the avatar of failure that you are, chickenshit attention addict.

And think of the wonderful message it sends to boys of colour: being good at sports is the only realistic way for local white authorities to provide you with the cloak of privilege.

Only if they weren’t getting paid for being on the road crew and their site boss was getting paid six figures.

Alternatively, when your broad assumptions challenged by any evidence, do you question them at all? (Trick question, you will never, ever admit being even the tiniest bit wrong about something because your skin is thinner than the chances that you will ever learn a goddamn thing that doesn’t in some way flatter you or

As dumb as the overall battle strategy was, the Snow army did at least draw the Bolton light infantry out in a space where they would get destroyed by Bolton’s own archers. Of course this also resulted in the complete destruction of the Snow calvary, forced wildings into formation infrantry fighting despite their

That is because your imagination is so deficient as to think that morality is a series of binary decisions stripped of context. Don’t blame the world for your limitations.

The low end of support for Hillary amongst Bernie supporters based on polling is above 80%. By the time the election rolls around, that number is almost certainly going to rise significantly.

So, Yara (Asha) Greyjoy must have plans to free/legitimise the Iron Islands’ thralls and salt wives like her grandfather Quellon did, right? Is that explicitly stated? Because that would further endear her to Dany as fellow liberator, while also creating a base of mass support to push through the massive social

Yes, Venezuala has DEFINITELY picked up a system of doctrinaire socialism and not a leftish adaptation of the types of populist leader of the left and right that have regularly found purchase in South America (and around the world). You are clearly someone with a tonne of meaningful education here, and aren’t a

You should also note that ultras groups in Italy got started with the direct involvement of the fascists and have been largely violent thuggish nationalists for decades. Soccer holliganism has a pretty specific political connection and ideological consistency.

I understand your sentiment, but being scared in a crowd with guns is so unbelievably dumb.

Die in a fucking fire, you piece of unsympathetic shit.

There are many more progressive countries on earth than the United States with considerably more invasive surveillance methods. Progressive statism exists. Your paranoia is, on the whole, completely fucking toxic to the provision of goods to the people within the United States who need them.

I am starting to get concerned that Draymond Green is the Dread Fuck Robert Horry returned, in vastly more powerful form.

I highly suggest you investigate that claim. Sanders drafted a bill in the 90s with precisely the same language as the bill you are talking about with regards to Clinton’s position.

Every single aspect of this shit is basically a late 90s/early oughts web board fight blown up to titanic scale; rivalries between site owners, weird sex shit, pro wrestling - is Gawker going to turn into a e/n site?