Sean R

Considering that Bernie and Hillary have far, far, far more policy similarities than differences, why the hell are you voting for him? Are you simply ignorant?

Why didn’t the article mention that he is former Atlanta Brave Ron Gant’s son?

She is probably playing God, as (****spoiler warning!****) Fast 8 is supposed to be a heist movie in which the gang breaks into Heaven to snag Paul Walker’s soul so that it can be were it is supposed to be, on earth with La Familia. Furious 9 will be in hell, to rescue Jason Statham’s character Shaw, because they need

Also, no appearance of Mads Mikkelsen, and I don’t think there has been any information at all about whom he might portray.

Approximately 0.0000002% of people complaining about the inclusion of a trans character would not be upset if the character was more fully developed. These are the worst people on earth clinging to a transparent fig leaf to hide their revulsion and terror at anything different from themselves. They are children who,

This is so fucking inane. You mean writers might consciously be aware of values and ideologies presented in a creative work? You mean art may have specific political messages embedded within it?

You are roping in incredibly disparate phenomena in order to construct a tremendously shaky foundation of an argument regarding hipocrisy.

I mean, his parents were, but Roald was born in Wales. I guess by dint of Norwegian being his first language and his spending most summers in Norway, he counts though.

The best thing is that he is only 28! He likely has a decade of humiliation at the hands of Attitude Era stars to come! Wrestlemania 42 features Val Venis berating Wyatt for an hour, then pinning him for a twenty count after a body slam.

Man, don’t. I can't read something this sad right now, I just have too much else going on.

Umm, are you under the impression that Catholics are encouraged by the church to get circumcised? Because, no.

Sure, the best way to dispel the implication that you are a squealing little man-brat is by threatening to throw the “biggest tantwum evuh”. I’m sorry that you are such a pathetic failure within the marketplace of ideals and are demanding subsidies for your extremist position (despite the volume and pitch of their

Oh know, I understand the idiotic rationalisations you cling to. Subjectively, to you, you are cogently and bravely fighting against a world gone mad. You have no capability of hearing the high pitched man-brat screech the rest of us do.

God, he amount of impotent rage contained in that post. You are so fucking desperate to be on the opposite side of a culture war where you can yell at women. You worship toys and then whine when you are revealed as a man-brat (your biological sex doesn't matter in terms of your man-brattiness) but then don't even have

So what you are saying is that we should start mandating more risky police training in order to fulfill the general social good of more dead cops?

You absolute fucking moron: you really think there are no confounding variables there and that you have any fucking way of pointing a causal arrow? MOST BUSINESSES WITH SIGNIFICANT AMOUNTS OF BLACK OWNERSHIP ARE SITUATED IN LARGELY BLACK NEIGHBOURHOODS AND HAVE A LARGELY BLACK CLIENTELE. Many are in historically

The definitions of in-group membership on racial grounds are constructed and highly variable over time. Treating them as though they are natural elements of social living is so fucking stupid I want to watch you drown to death.

You are at basically the panhandler level of social standing right now, except I would feel horrible if a crowd surrounded you upon the street and started making fun or you unhinged ranting that you are SO SURE is right, whereas with you, I want Colorado rich kid psychopaths to light you on fire (but also get caught

To your last point, assuming that because I don’t like a terrible movie made by an ironically objectivist mediocrity for teenage shitbags, I cannot enjoy any movies is like saying that because I don’t want to nail my nethers to a board while a giggling man-brat is pissing, I must not like sex.

Um, why is this story of an asshole harassing a coworker framed as a feud between two people?