Sean R

None of those words were particularly long. Beyond your own gross self-regard, do you have any real evidence that you aren't a complete fucking imbecile?

Oh, such dull witted inanities. Be careful, you may find your current impotence all encompassing.

Whiny fucking child.

The best thing you could do right now for Bernie Sanders is to publicly blow your fucking brains out, you false-equivalency spewing piece of rat shit.

God, that is such a boring fuck type of answer.

You know no one is forcing you at gunpoint to be shitty and have shitty taste. You can be free of that burden.

When you die the world will cheer.

Yeah, maybe he is just so fucking moronic that he says hateful shit to people? Definitely important to have someone like that serving food. Thank goodness people have you to protect them from getting offended at their own harassment! Keep punching down!

At this point, reading dozens of your inane posts, I kind of wish that your tips granted in the past could be stripped from you and that the rest of what I'm presented as I scroll down this comment section is regular updates as you starve to death. God, how much joy it would bring me to watch your organs fail.

Why should anyone give a fuck that one server missed one tip? How in the hell does that compare to a couple getting harassed on Valentine’s? Have the tiniest bit of fucking perspective.

Nah, you don't have a valid point.

You really think you are standing up for servers and not shitting on people getting harassed, but that is because of your own tunnel vision.

You are desperate to judge and shit on people who were harassed. Fuck you.

THEN THE SERVER SHOULD MURDER THE CHEF. You don't tip when you get harassed at a restaurant by restaurant staff. They are not in any way victimising the servers by making their displeasure at their harassment known.

They really need to be convenient to the restaurant that harassed them. FAIRNESS!

To be fair, other than Holiday 20 points (6/14, with 7 REB and 9 AST), no Pelican scored more than 6. Anderson was 1/12.

Texas is notoriously lax with regards to its fighter safety regulations. It is likely that Nevada or California would never sanction this fight.

The UFC is risk averse not to put on this fight.

The One that Ended in One Throbbing, Boring as Fuck, Mayonnaise-Coloured Fuck-Puddle.

The simplest, most just solution is for Luke to fucking die.