Sean R

Way to replicate you father’s disgust of the other.

I think taking a moral tack like this about Rose is profoundly insane and I would support your firing for this post if you supervise any vulnerable human beings.

In addition to the folks who are unwilling to accept the strings that may come with the housing (even if it just perceived obligations), some of them may be in situations more complicated than what is generally assumed by the term “homeless”. Some folks are temporarily homeless with expectations that they will be able

Apologise for your ignorance and take a serious look at the failings of the media you have chosen to consume. The police report has been public for a couple of days, you fucking dolt.

He wasn't forced to resign, he is making a histrionic joke of himself.

Lurerker, why do you so resolutely avoid basic grammar when whining about the mean kids here?

The initiallism OCD has only one valid meaning:

Yes, and that's why dedicated outreach is necessary. Also, you are being insanely essentialist about what immigrant parents want based on absolutely no data but your own preconceptions. It is like you assume that there are no cultures of cinema from where folks are coming from. Basically, I legitimately believe that

So you are pretty much writing off the idea of outreach? COOL!

Imagine how shitty a person you would be if your doubts were wrong. Think about what a complete fucking piece of garbage if the inane pseudo-evidence you have gathered was the result of a mistake on your part. Wouldn't you be humiliated? Wouldn't you be utterly disgusted with yourself for exacerbating the pain of the

The sheer terror you exhibit at the prospect of four syllables is ADORABLE.

More incredibly accurate observations! Truly you have got me pegged!

Yes, that is the defining binary between all movies. With critical thinking like that, no wonder you produce such incisive criticisms!

Where is the big book of correct name spellings? Obviously names have always had a single correct spelling that has been consistent throughout history and just as obviously there is an authoritative volume chronicling them.

Alternatively, you are projecting your own preference for emotionally simplistic stories because you are of a mediocre psychological constitution.

Umm, I have a reel clearly showing Valerie Harper and Gavin McLeod sty fucking, so take off the rose-coloured glasses. There is nothing new under the sun.

You wouldn’t have the balls to eat out Hardy’s asshole in person either, so you are exhibiting a fair amount of hypocrisy here.

Cut off your fucking feet everything is terrible

It is easy to imagine if, and only of, you are some sort of fantastically stupid fuck.

You aren’t particularly familiar with the situation in Burma, are you? Just spouting off bigoted nonsense out of a shit brain?