Sean R

How is burying self loathing under whiny pomposity working for yours?

You have not spent a moment out of high school researching the history (or present) of research movements. You have nothing to contribute except smugness and ignorance.

Oh snookums, you are soooo mad that he didn't get to define their concerns for them.

They are arguing that those terms violate antitrust law, as mentioned in the article. Your disagreement with this claim, offered without a real argument, is a worthless addition.

Oh no!

Hahahaha, show even the tiniest bit of evidence of that. Scrape it into your skin with a razor.

How is two paragraphs with highly specific criticisms of your utterly mediocre reasoning random? REALLY REDUCTIONIST, BRO! I don’t want bad things to happen to random strangers; I want bad things to happen to YOU.

There is literally no one who is going to vote in the primaries and will turn to Trump because he got called a bigot on SNL. Literally no one. It is absurd to even make that claim. Similarly, in a year, no one is going to confirm their Trump vote because he got called a bigot on SNL. It is idiotic to the point of

There are several medicinal options that have demonstrable benefits in treating anxiety, particularly in conjunction with regular therapy.

Yours is the voice of inane mediocrity, unbound from factual data (actually mass protests have tended to be pretty bad for the people getting protested, especially when they are consistent), and desperate to not frighten shitty idiots. Yours is the voice that whines that pride parades terrify straight people, that

It is ok to state your beliefs unless they are critical of someone making a conservative rant. True free speech is never being told you are wrong.

Your inane humblebrag makes me hope you lose a leg to cancer.

You have no insight into human beings. A random number generator would have more meaningful contributions to make in this conversation than you.

I hope you have a terrible day. A day so bad that it ruins your entire month.

Who is the person who determines the “intention” behind the meaning of words? Is the inventor of the word “curvy” spinning in his or her grave? So you have the tiniest morsel of an idea of the trend in the size of actresses/pop stars?

Go old school: “free-thinker”.

Really, you aren’t fascinated by your own painful, lonely death? I’m really letting you down!

Oh, I know that. I will watch the cancer take you one day. My presence will make you feel more alone than my absence would.

Do you also eat mashed carrots and shit in a diaper and stay up til ten?

On your deathbed, alone once more, you will find that life has truly been trolling you this entire time.