Sean R

God, you fucking sucker.

Do you ever smash your face into a brick wall at 100%? Because here you are wasting time on the comment section of a news story shitting yourself when you could be contributing to the world by smashing your head to pieces.

The world will not mourn your passing.

I love that you are so lacking in imagination, so utterly limited as a human being, that you felt the need to shit such a lazy ass troll out. What exactly stops you from killing yourself? Spite against your parents for lacking the courage to do the world a favour and strangle you in the crib?

The best thing about the Steelers is the upcoming decades of Roethlisberger’s inevitable CTE.

They should have a PTI type show where it's Cowherd vs Whitlock and each tries to one up each other by fucking murdering each other, only to be brought back to half life to do it again the next day.

Casamigos has been out for like three years and this was merely a product launch in Spain. Takes about two seconds to google, but Bobby doesn't have that kind of time.

These statutes are longstanding and don't have anything to do with what is commonly considered terrorism.

I wish that I could wring your indignation out of your body like juice from an orange. Such purely distilled impotence and outrage in a cup. How does it feel to be an unpaid whineperson?

How is “fail” in this context grammatically correct?

Since, in your mind, a lack of physical discipline results in undisciplined adults, how fucking barren was your childhood of attention?

Of course the real benefit is that no one will feel guilty when they are all murdered.

This article is problematic in that you provide no information about the variability in testosterone that naturally occurs within an individual at differen times, triggered by a host of conditions. You are harping on a very mediocre metric and treating it as infallible.

Yeah, a bunch of TV stuff. He was supposed to have a couple features out this year, one with Chris Pine in the lead and a co-writer, but nothing seems to be going on with them. Considering his sole feature is Drop Dead Gorgeous, which is fantastic, I hope he can get one of those projects moving.

No worries. I think Wain enjoys being a bit more behind the scenes, while maintaining avenues to perform when he gets the urge. He directed and edited a lot of Stella, going back to the shorts, and was the only State member other than Michael Patrick Jann - who wasn’t on screen that often - to direct episodes.

One day Houston will melt into a lake of tar and its residents will be trapped and boil into globs of soap that will breach the tar’s surface, melt and reform, again and again. A gleaming red eye will stare down from the heavens and though it judges us all and finds us all unworthy and wanting, the focus of its ire

Wain is a credited co-creator.

Your opinion on the Doof Warrior is like eighty standard deviations from the mean.

I’d rather a women’s trios league, with singles, tag-team, and trios match wins garnering points for a championship awarded every six months. That way every match matters and you can protect the more mediocre workers, while still leaving plenty of room for all kinds of storytelling.

I literally hope Amazon warehouse employees rise up and murder you.