Sean R

Figure where in your head this is coming from because it sure isn't in the article it is sad as hell that you don’t understand the concept of sympathy.

I’m meaner than that like ten times a day. Canada has got those ol crazy eyes hiding under the repression, waiting to chew through chests to reach hearts. We sell nukes to everyone and no one notices and the only stories we make our children read are about the misery and inevitably of dying in the cold. We are weak

No one should ever even talk about another person in any manner without their permission. Thanks for your thoughtful contribution here.

And yet you somehow seem incapable of seeing how behaviours related to risk assessment may be separate from actual liability. Are you a bad lawyer or just a poor diviner of human decision-making?

... is the legal standard for criminal guilt and has nothing to do with how individuals who aren’t on the jury are permitted to judge someone’s guilt and definitely nothing to do with a newspaper’s coverage of a major story.

Why are you lying about being pro-choice? You aren't very good at it and it makes you look pretty asinine.

Yes, they are wrong. You’re welcome.

It is actually pretty easy to follow international movie scenes, with a plethora of outlets providing tonnes of coverage. Even regularly following a mainstream site like the AV Club will give you a pretty decent grounding of the major Euro and Asian directors without much effort.

God, everything you wrote and the manner in which you wrote it are tragicly depressing.

In a morally just world, Lexi would be simultaneously shot by every single cop and Oath Keeper, who would all, to a man, murder each other and themselves immediately after out of guilt.

Babe was a cute pig, that’s just a fucking pork rind. Get some fucking standards for your fucking.

Because an opinion of what “bad” writing is could NEVER be affected by unconscious bias? Holy fuck are you dim.

Are you an agent because you are incapable of understanding statistical significance, or just because you realised that no one will ever give the tiniest fuck about what you say unless you are in a position of authority? Get cancer.

FINALLY a man (with clearly no fucking clue about statistical significance) weighs in about how it just me some fluke!

When you have instant access to the largest repository of information in the world, do not take pride in ignorance. Lettuce, as is pretty clear from context, is slang for women for the quoted speaker.

If besting the ever enticing prospect of suicide requires you to become a toxic black pit of tar, it is not worth the effort.

Uhh, a shit-tonne of mid-century CEOs were utter shitbags. There was never a golden age.

Child, that isn't what gotcha journalism means and a whiny three sentence post is not a particularly meaningful way to complain about the lack of substance in another.

It should be replaced with Whole Cheque.

I hope they have cancer on their registry, because that's what I'm sending their way.