Sean R

Show the barest modicum of dignity, you mewling fuck.

I advocate for the conspiracy theory that Curry suffered a concussion from his fall in Game 4 against Houston and they are covering it up because everyone involved needs him on the court even at significantly reduced capability. He’ll hit 3-20 in Game 3 and everyone will ignore the spinal fluid dripping out of his

She is an actress/model who books a lot of apparel and cosmetics work. Wikipedia exists and ignorance tarnishes regardless of its cast.

This is a very charming Reader’s Digest joke, well-crafted to fit the form.

Do natural birthing advocates count toilet babies? There is not a surplus of medical care for pregnant women in the United States, and if you believe that the disparities that define our health care system are going to be magically solved solely by expanding the number of doulas, you are sacrificing essential avenues

Do you have anything to add now that it is revealed it was a broken knee cap?

I proctered your final exams and you only passed because you let me shit in your mouth for a month. Your degrees are a fraud.

Either show evidence that demonstrates that LeBron has regressed significantly late in games compared to this or fuck yourself to death. You are, qualitatively and quantitatively wrong.

You meal here because not a single person in your offline life gives the slightest fuck about what you might have to say. Lay under the mattress tonight and sleep forever.

You are mediocrity given voice and you should have the simple decency to mute, you fucking buffoon.

You are a like a teabagger who proclaims that his state can nullify federal laws, ignoring about two centuries of jurisprudence. Your interpretation of the rules has been determined to be incorrect by those who have the authority to do so. What James does is not a foul, given the actual rules of the NBA in practice.

You should show him your ire at his betrayal by mailing him your face, sliced with delicacy and precision despite your rage.

Yeah, but your job is licking my asshole clean, not answering asinine questions from human garbage.

You should sue the world for the attention that you cannot receive through your own meagre merits.

In real life, people survive even dozens of stab wounds fairly frequently. While stabs leave big wounds, they are relatively big and slow and often push organs out of the way (compared to bullets which just blast on through).

Jason Aaron is fucking Midas and this will end up gold as well.

I would amend your post to say that it is REALLY easy to insult you and delete the bit about revising your opinion because I have literally no interest in convincing you to like a movie that you don’t particularly understand. Calling this movie a fairy tale - evidencing very little understanding of what a fairy tale

No, I completely realise that you fail to understand the movie on a pretty fundamental level, you don't have to grit your teeth and fart even louder for me to get that.

So when you said that: “BNW is ALWAYS a reference to the book”, what you MEANT was: “BNW is ALWAYS a reference to the book, except when it is a reference to the oft quoted line from the The Tempest from which the book draws its name”?

Movies with women masturbation, even while clothed, are automatically R rated, while similar scenes depicting male masturbation can still get PG-13s. Folks are fucking TERRIFIED of women enjoying sex.