
This drug paraphernalia shit has no business here. This is a gaming blog, not a loser stoner blog.

What doesn't sit right with me is :

I understand there is a gaming theme to this, and the "you can buy it now" announcement was recent, but I feel like this is too much vape info at once for Kotaku. I enjoy burnin' as much as the next guy... but something just doesn't sit right with me about this on Kotaku.

Really? I mean really? Fuck off. She's white so she can't wear a traditionally Asian dress? What the fuck is this shit?

People have reported getting free XB1 consoles fully loaded with games and a few other rewards. All of it was confirmed by the Xbox Twitter account and CS. Thought it was kinda strange there was no report on here, but then again it wasn't Sony giving away free PS4s :/

ok, you're not into heists, bank robberies, or general mayhem in simulated cities based on real life locations.

I seem to be one of the only people that don't think Joel acted out of selfishness. His daughter was killed by solider taking orders. Tess was killed by the same. In the end the people that wanted to kill Ellie weren't infected by anything. The worst people in the game are normal humans.

Hey, why should I care about other people as long as my broadband is rock solid, right? I mean, I got mine.