
Thank you! They are ruining history with this All New All Different garbage

I feel the same way, children are going to grow up thinking all of the Marvel Universe are women & minorities


Islam is a religion of “peace”

Forcing Diversity is Rape

Munched on Like a carpet

Islam is a religion of “peace”

It looks worse to have to clean up the ruins of cities that terrorists destroy

WTF is wrong with everyone, there is no need to say all Republicans are racist.

Trump doesn’t want to kick LEGALS out. Look at some other countries immigration laws before you criticize Trump for wanting to make our borders secure

I don’t think Trump is worse than Hillary. People only attack Trump without thinking about how the things he says would help us.

It’s definitley up there! All those early copies showing how basic and mundane the resource collecting gameplay is, and then the PC delay, and finally a day one download that will basically change the whole game

There is nothing good about having to issue a massive day one patch because you shipped an incomplete game, but they delay the PC version

So it's a Early Access game for $60

I'd commit beastiality with that kitty

Why make the article? If everyone has denied this took place besides a source with no facts, you shouldn't have wasted the time typing this BS

People used to get upset over games HAVING DLC in them

Day Trader FTW

My issue with the second game was the villains.

Some other people have mentioned this, but my main flaw with injustice is that once you have done everyone’s super special move the game gets redundant. MK gives you multiple fatalities, Super Smash gives you so many characters and stages and items, but this series gives you rinse and repeat like SFV