Sean Luke McCard

You get so angry and insulting over a discussion about a funny book.

You make a lot of assumptions, none of which are true. Plus you're extremely rude and condescending, neither of which are necessary for you to make your point.

I agree. The show is far more horrific since it underscores the tragedy instead of being just another fucked up Ennis joke that is more silly than disturbing.

I was waiting for it too. I prefer this version tho. I think seeing the comic one visualized in TV would look silly.

Nah, that was cartoony and stupid. This was so much more disturbing because it was oddly tragic not comedic.

I read the comics and enjoyed them for the most part.

That Blind Melon cover of No Rain was excellent.

Vince Gilligan, that crazy bastard did it. He took a mulligan on the Skyler turning into Lady Macbeth story line, and sunk a hole in one. Kim's breaking bad was slow burn, so well handled, I didn't even see it coming. Perfect escalation of the character.

I really hope that the third season focuses on the supermarket owner and guy who found the cash, Stavros Milos. His plot thread was kinda dropped midway through the 1st season.

If Ted Cruz ever got the chance, he'd eat you and everyone you care about.

That got unhealthy real quick… You know, I was raised in the Bay Area, but I'm a father now.

Well we always knew that he liked to Eat Fresh.

This is 100% it. In 1967, the same year that the Graduate was released, IMDB has 320 other movies that were released. Scanning down through the list, only the best stand out, the rest, I've never seen or heard of. The majority of movies are not in rotation on TCM. They were unremarkable movies at the time and by its

Hahaha. If you find yourself agreeing with a guy named Cooter, youre doing it wrong.

Haha. Cooter.

Apparently, black lives don't matter in the MCU.