
The worst part of the interview is that Miller is so boring that it is almost beyond human endurance to watch through to the good stuff. I had to turn him off and just read the key quotes in the CNN summary. The clip they posted is 2 minutes long and I was ready to claw my own eyes out after 30 seconds.

I’m with dad. I wouldn’t wait an hour in line to get into Heaven; why on earth would I wait an hour for a table at Cheesecake Factory?

$500 a ticket? I’d have to think hard and long about paying that much for the second coming of the Beatles, let alone Taylor...

Hey, despite that whole vandalism and arrest thing, I had a really great time, Lindy Lo. Can I call you next week?

I LOVE spending New Year’s Eve alone (being that I hate New Year’s Eve and I don’t like to stay up late). The problem is that other people keep interfering, working overtime to drag my ass out to socialize even when I protest that I am having a perfectly good time all by myself. They seem to view it as some sort of

As both a member of the effete, liberal coastal media and a member of a family with deep (and current) roots in confluence of Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina, I have watched this narrative with some interest. There is a lot of truth to this new stereotype that is emerging - these were in fact thriving

The original is charming and hilarious, but only if you ignore the whole false pretenses, held against her will, rape-y kind of overtone of the Sweaty Carpenter’s scheme to defraud the rude rich lady. It works because the chemistry between Goldie and Kurt is palpable and everyone in the movie is having a really great

Damn, way to rub it in. I miss my Witcher 3 something awful. I finished everything I could do months ago, but sometimes I want to log back in and walk around a little while, just for old time’s sake.

Long ago on a reporting trip for my newspaper, I was invited to dinner at the home of the chairman of the Republican Party in a rural Georgia County. It was a lovely meal - no booze, of course, but good food and very wholesome, welcoming people. I was a little take aback, however, when the extended grace before the

One day in the early ‘90s, the managing editor of the newspaper where I worked wandered into the newsroom and said, loudly and for no apparent reason, “I fucking hate Garrison Keillor. I should have one question in job interviews; Do you like Garrison Keillor? If the answer is yes, then no job.” Then he stormed back

To describe Roscoe Bartlett as “Not exactly a reliable source” is an insult to unreliable sources. They guy was a loon almost from the first moment he got to congress. He advocated all kinds of bizarre things, propounded lunatic theories and did strange things, such as refusing to bury dead animals on his farm near

Totally. If Geralt were my dad I could play the “my dad could kick your dad’s ass” game with absolute confidence.

I like to eat alone not because I want to scarf down junk while nobody is looking, but because I really don’t like other people all that much. I wonder if that makes it a risk factor anyway...

I had to hide my presence on AIM because my mother learned to use it and would message me constantly when she saw me on, which, when you’re in your early to mid-20s, is extremely uncool. Of course, now that I am 50 and my mother is long dead, I’d give just about anything for one more AIM session.

Remember the Ravenous Bugbladder Beast of Trall, which the Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy says is best defeated by wrapping a towel around your own head, since the creature is “so mindbogglingly stupid that it thinks that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you.”

Really, all we needed to know about this event was contained in this small fragment of a sentence: “The event, which took place in a parking lot in Bushwick...”

Damn, you nailed me. It says “No Man’s Sky.” And I just this very weekend picked up the game for the first time since December and am enjoying waaaay more than I did back then. I actually, like, understand it and I don’t have to rely on my 14 year old son to yell unintelligible directions at me to make anything happen.

When I read this headline I was so hoping that BLM stood for “Bureau of Land Management,” because that would have just been the absolute Platonic ideal of a conspiracy theory hatched by a small town lawmaker from the West.

It suddenly struck me what’s going on lately. Reading this line: “It reads like fiction, a plot specifically crafted to yield maximum iron...” suddenly everything came into focus. Since sometime last summer, we have all been living inside a Christopher Buckley novel. Like “Thank you for smoking,” but even more

What bugs me is this: what the hell is that ship? Why is the deck brown? The U.S. hasn’t used teakwood decks since, oh, I don’t know, World War II? It looks like some kind of bizarre photo illustration using a photo of one of the long-decommissioned Iowa-class battleships, but removing the big three-gun turrets.