Sean G. Work

I think I speak for us all when I say that I'd really like to see Ed Sheeran engulfed in a dragon's flames.

Upticks in certain letter themes tend to be 50% zeitgeist and 50% Dan being on some kick.

One of the flashbacks shows Alison standing at a metal table in her house that's covered in packaged food, including a bunch of boxes labeled "Salaam Salami." She's running some sort of food business, possibly providing prepackaged halal lunches to institutions. My guess would be her crime involved committing fraud

I misheard Jared when he was describing the three letters and thought one of them was to his 4-year-old self, which would have been just as fitting.

One of the elements of the movie that I liked most that wasn't touched on in this article was how great a character Elijah Price is. Super villains are usually portrayed as being motived by some flaw, like greed, or revenge. Price is motivated by a need for meaning. His acts of villainy are committed with the goal of

The fact that you're so angry about the jury's verdict just goes to show how good this series is. It made you care. I see this season as sort of a Greek tragedy. Everyone's sins come back to revisit them. Miller gave in to her anger at her husband and as a result his confession was thrown out. She pays her sister a

The singular of "graffiti" is "graffitum."