
And yet for all our attention to detail, we don’t know exactly what triggered the cataclysmic event.

That excavated slowly :)

Yeah, but it still cooks the outside and leaves the person cold in the middle. It also makes them mushy and they never taste as good as when they're cooked fresh.

It’s a great time to get into the 3D printed prosthetic business!

“the shield will be down in moments”

I don’t think the military was being an asshole. I mean, it really is illegal for ordinary civilians to wear military uniforms when they’re not qualified military officers. It’s even worse if those uniforms have the military’s rank insignias because they didn’t officially earn those ranks.

BB-8’s dorky half-brother.

That’s why I bought these to cover all the blank switch panels in my Jeep. Warp speed doesn’t work and self-destruct seems to work even when it’s not pressed.

But...what does God need with a starship?

I really, really hope there’s a script on there for a Star Trek episode where the crew of the Enterprise—1701 or 1701-D, it’s all good—meets up with an entity that appears to be God, but then turns out to just be either (1) an alien with godlike powers, (2) a robot or computer with godlike powers, or (3) an alien

Dying in a fiery death?

You can reboot the car by pressing on the gas pedal all the way for several seconds.

The true dream of all of us Excel nerds.

Now playing

Not really truc related, but I thought of this when you mentioned perth haha

“I see you’re attempting to parallel park, I can assist with that!”

Not putting miles on your Ferrari is like not having sex with your Girl Friend so she’ll be more desirable to her next Boy Friend.

Plus, the dirty poors will be able to use our internet!

Amazing! That cheeseburger could pass for a 2014 model.