
Someone lost count...

Congratulations on your CoTD ‘JohnnyWasASchoolboy’. This lovely lady will be along shortly to give you some lessons, just as soon as she can get down off the ski-lift.

But how are the Jury supposed to get their book deal and be on the talk shows if they never disclose they were on the jury??...!

Congratulations FiverLiters1 (even if you can’t spell litres’ correctly according to the King’s English...) on your COTD win.

Being a plain unmarked truck would actually make it stand out even more to me.

Eh.. coupla spot welds here and there and it’ll be back together, good as new...!

Still got to go to space though.

What average person would have ~$5K just sitting in a bank account

At least it’s apparently not poisonous/venomous.

The rainbow lorikeet is a major pest of agriculture in Australia. It is a serious pest of cherry, apple, pear, stone fruit, grape and vegetable crops, and field crops such as sorghum, flowers and ornamentals.

The best best of us or just the best?

No chance of any of this happening in Perth Australia at the moment.

What’s the bet there’s a coyote squished under that rock in the middle of the ‘road’ there..?

Interesting full video that confirms I hate everything about the Cybertruck.

Not the happy ending they were hoping for I think...

^^^^ because the male (usually) has to PROVE that he is right, that HIS opinion IS the primary and really only one...

Incidentally, other targets included schools, a childcare center, shopping areas and medical centers...

The entire picture looks Photoshopped.

me neither