
Do people pay for gas after pumping it in other places?

Win...ter tyres??....?

Me neither.

Perth Australia has a 2 week ‘cycle’.

“They promised they would shred the indictment and stop the grand jury if I helped them out,” he reportedly wrote in the book.

Perth Western Australia’s airport has all the shops before you need to go through security (which is nothing as strict as in the USA..)

I just love my 2019 Mazda3 G20 Evolve sedan (get the sedan they’re wayyy better than the hatch) :+)

Gives the expression “Flying high up in the clouds” a whole new context.

Now playing

Hopefully it doesn’t look like this.. :+)

And yet our mammal ancestors were surviving just dandy 250 million years ago.... because if they didn’t, we wouldn’t be here.

The slideshows shall rule the Earth

At 33, she’s old for a P-plater.

I guess as usual it’s all down to what the East German judge decides.

Well her’s

Now playing

Classic Bathurst 1000 Crashes (8 minutes long)

If Ryan Preece crashes and *doesn’t* get out of the car and run around yelling “I’m on fire! I’m on fire!” (when he’s not...) while also stripping down to his tighty-whiteys,  I will be very disappointed.

a couple of cast aluminum cradles to hold those and the rest could be mostly cardboard (yes, I’m exaggerating).

Expect to see these driving ashore from the landing craft when the invasion of Taiwan begins.

‘The Sun” newspaper is hardly the epitome off journalistic reporting integrity.