
Wow... So whose 13 year old kid designed this patch?

The Date Palm of Judea?

Nope, can’t say that it does.... not even a little bit.

Maybe they can put some of the past classics back on air?

If the writers are on strike... then who’s writing the signs?

Princess Leia’s first job was a seamstress before she became a Senator for the Republic...

It stands for: Electric; Anyone one.

Hopefully no one gets drunk at a party one night and decide to take it for a drive...

Did anyone get special super powers from touching it?

Bigolas Dickolas? He’s a wery good fwiend of mine.

Scientists recently received and were able to decipher an alien signal.

I’ll take “Never Going to Happen” for $30 Billion Mr Trebek...

I’m still on iPhone 7 at 4.7" and that’s big enough.

United colours of Benetton... Anyone? Anyone...?

You wanted a bunch of (mostly) European drivers to act like ‘Muricans...

Princess Eugenie: “This look is very “head mistress at a school your stepmom sends you away to.”

No one else agreed/wanted to sing...

The team discovered that cats living at a cat cafe responded most quickly to a human stranger when the stranger used both vocal and visual cues to get their attention. The cats also appeared to be more stressed out when the human ignored them completely.

Well if they bring them out slower maybe it’ll give them time to actually write a coherent progressive storyline that doesn’t just look back at the original trilogy and say: “They did *this* in ANH, so let’s do that again... and *this* bit was in ROtJ so lets follow it up with that... and then we can shoehorn that ESB

Worse than the original proposed name for Australia’s Space Program? (Now actually a real website - but done as a joke...)