
he was great on in living colour, possibly my favourite cast member. it's great to see him pop up in Comedy Bang Bang. but christ! the man doesn't seem to age he looks fantastic!

"Last week’s episode of Childrens Hospital had incest, professional sabotage, and Shrek The Third factor into the plot—all things seemingly tailor-made for yours truly"

but how will i know something is dramatic if lux auterna isn't playing?

dan trachtenberg directed a pretty cool Portal short film a while back. here's hoping he breaks away from the J.J. stamp to add a little of his personality to this one.

Another period?!

ijust don't understand his ARscheerIO and scheeRL its like he's giving fan service to people who aren't asking for it

This comment was better than the article. I never thought about it like that. In movies i dislike when i'm spoonfed visual exposition to define where i am. However in comics, i feel anxious if i don't understand where and how the action is played out. Thats why transformers is a blockbuster, its all just this goes

i assume they will treat jenner the same they treated paris hilton, britney spears, snooki with a touch of mecha streisand hopefully. the game i wanna play is, which random movie parody will they splice with this story? can't we just get MECHA-JENNER?!

i got lambasted for thinking the word "climes" was slang. i haven't stopped crying since

and you can tell scott loves the time keeper haha

that episode has been my favourite this year (yes more than heynong man aha). paul rust was on fire, those new no nos were fantastic for how bad they were. but that bit about the baby changing station had me in tears.
"have you ever seen man change a babys diaper?"
"ive seen baby change a mans dirty underwear"

I unfortunately looked at the upcoming episode titles. It is very exciting.

Exactly. I get the notion it could be staged but it wasnt. If the american government could orchestrate something like 9/11 then wouldnt it jave the foresight to think maybe the war wouldnt won. Vietnam happened, so it is a possibility. And they wouldve factored that in. Plus if edward snowden whistleblew on the nsa,

You used brain power to write that, and i never want you to forget it

i will hung my head, shamed

nice, i appreciate the commitment

i know that Family Guy is pretty lambasted around here, but i do have to say they named that thing pretty successfully. Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man


almost as if it is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems

Wait, is that the word "climes"? Is that a typo or are people being paid to write slang?! How am i not in on dis shit?!