Sean Dawson

Well, Jon Hartley , I am aware that the term includes things such as slut shaming and victim blaming, but I am also aware that none of those things cause rape.  The term, ill defined as it is, "rape culture" was coined in the 70's by radicals who were looking for as incindiary a term as they could find to describe an

I see, I am a troll because you don't agree with me.  Trolls are anyone who questions the Hive Mind.

You illustrate my point excatly, Keldroc.  Anyone who doubts the existence of a "rape culture" is ignorant, racist, and mysogynist.  When did I say anything that might be construed as racist?

and by the way, I'm throwing you in with Patton.  Has it ever occurred to you that your leftist brain might be <gasp> WRONG occasionally?  maybe someone else has a different opinion really ISNT a racist or mysogynist but just has a different opinion?

You live in some alternate reality to believe in rape culture.  Is there a movie or tv show im not aware of that glorifies rape?  Are there groups of rapists like the Elks or the Moose Lodge I don't know about?  Utter BS. I hate to tell you, but the vast majority of people do not believe in rape culture. I guess

Patton Oswalt is a gnomish man-boy and a prick on top of it all.  He is exactly what is wrong with this country.  Basically anyone who varies from his leftist worldview is Hitler.  i'm throwing guys on the right who do this under the bus as well.  Clever to split up his tweets like that but the messages show he's a